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The Israelites worshipping the golden calf.

Exodus xxxii. 1.

Now Moses was forty days and forty nights in the mount with God; and the people had began to wonder what had become of him, and to be tired of waiting and looking for his return. Although the glory of the Lord still rested on the mount, and the presence of the Lord was clearly there, they pretended to think that God and Moses had left them, and they said ono to another, "Let us make us (illegible text)ods which shall go before us." And they made them a golden calf, and said, “These bo thy gods, (illegible text) Israel, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt." And they worshipped the golden calf which they had set up, although God had positively forbidden them to make any graven image to worship, for the likeness of any thing in heaven above, or in