Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/575

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OF TRANSPORTATION. 451 17. Persons convicted of entering mines of black-lead with intent Biackiead- to steal, or hiring persons to do so. 25 Geo. II, c. 10. 18. Persons convicted of assaulting any magistrate or officer wraoken. engaged in the salvage of ships or goods from wreck. 26 Geo. II, a 19. 19. Persons convicted of solemnising matrimony without banns Ecciesias- or license. 26 Geo. II, c 33. S^dea 20. Persons convicted of stealing fish in any water within a poachen. park, paddock, orchard, or yard, or receiving, aiding, and abetting. 5 Geo. Ill, a H. ORDERMN-COUNCIL. It was under the provisions of the statute passed in 1784 that, 1786 by an Order-in-Coundl made on the 6th December, 1786, "the eastern coast of New South Wales '* was declared and appointed to be the place to which certain offenders, named in two lists annexed to the Order, should be transported. Some historical interest consequently attaches to it, seeing that it contains the New South fiat by which New South Wales was created a penal station. ciami a At a Council held at the Court of St. James's, on 6 December, ment 1786, the following Order was made : — Whereas by the Act passed in the twenty-fourth year of the 24 Geo. in, reign of his present Majesty, intituled An Act for the Effectual ®' ^' Transportation of Felons and other offenders, and to authorise the Kemoval of Prisoners in certain cases, and for other purposes therein mentioned, it is enacted that from and after the passing of the said Act, when any person or persons at any session of Oyer and Terminer or Gaol Delivery, or at any Quarter or other General Session of the peace, to be holden for any county, riding, division, city, town, borough, liberty, or place within that part of Great Britain called England, or at any great session to be holden for the County Palatine of Chester, or within the Principality of Wales, shall be convicted of fraud or petty larceny, or any other offence for which such person or persons shall be liable by the laws of this realm to be transported, it shall and may be lawful for the Court before which any such person or persons shall be so con- victed as aforesaid, or any subsequent Court holden at any place for the said county, riding, division, city, town, borough, Uberty, or place, respectively, with like authority, to oi*der and adjudge Court may that such person or persons so convicted as aforesaid shall be trans- JjJStioif* ported beyond the seas for any term of years, not exceeding the Digitized by Google