Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 2.djvu/132

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IM THE NEW SOUTH WAXES CQBP8. ^^^ of by Mrs. Macartlmr; but tte voyage was one of sufEer- ing for her and of danger to her bnsband^ for after leaving seued * the Cape he waB seized with the fever which was raging in the ship, and for several days his life was despaired of. Macarthur and Nepean had unfortunately quarrelled before they left England. Mrs. Macarthur was, apparently, unaware of the fact when she wrote her journal, for she not only made no allusion to it therein, but writing from Sydney in March, 1791, she remarks, we shall be pleased to remove anywhere with Captain Nepean ; he is a truly good- hearted man, and has, I believe, a great friendship for Mr. Macarthur";* but if the quarrel had been patched up it had not been forgotten, and probably rankled in the minds of Nepeaa'8 both men. The dispute was afterwards revived, and was apinst carried so far that Nepean, after his arrival in Sydney, endea- voured to bring Macarthur to a Court-martial for conduct alleged to have taken place " a considerable time before he left Europe." t As there would have been great, if not in- superable, difficulty in holding a General Court-martial, Sir George Tonge, the Secretary of War, wrote to Phillip in July, 1792, for a report, with the object of having the case settled by the War Office; but while correspondence was oroieu proceeding, the matter, through the friendly interposition ^ "* of Grose, was arranged.^ The Neptune, Scarborough, and Surprize arrived, as already stated, towards the end of June, 1790. They bore despatches from the Secretary of State informing Phillip that Major Grose, who had been appointed Lieutenant- Governor, was about to follow with the rest of the Corps, ^y^ and that on his arrival Major Ross and the marine detach- Home. ment, with the exception of those who wished to remain in the colony, were to embark as soon as possible for England.§

  • HiBtorioal Becordfl, yoL ii, p. 601.

t Letter £rom Sir George Yonge to Gtyremor Phillip. — ^Hiatodoal Beoords, Tol. i, part 2, p. 630. X Historical RecordB, rol. ii. p, 28. § Historical Records, toL i, pa^ 2, p. 285.