Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 2.djvu/138

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110 THE NEW SOUTH WAXES CORPS. 1810 England with the regiment/** he was expected to make up the full strength of his regiment by voluntary enlistment Regiment ^^^ *^® f OTce which had been recalled. He had no difficulty f^i^d. ^^ S®**i^g volunteers. On the 30th April, 1810, he wrote to Lord Castlereagh : — " I have much pleasure in informing your Lordship that a suffi- ' cient number of volunteers have turned out from the 102nd to complete the 73rd Regiment within nineteen men of the full establishment of 1,000 rank and file. " A great number of old soldiers of the 102nd who had served long in this country wished to remain in it . I have taken the responsibility upon myself of forming them into an invalid or veteran company for the service of the colony until his Majesty's pleasure shall be known. . . . AninvaUd J have made the establishment of this invalid company one company. * hundred rank and file, with the usual proportion of sergeants and drummers, to be under the command and charge of an officer of the 73rd Regiment, until I shall receive orders from Home respecting it." The augmentation of the 73rd Regiment from the New South Wales Corps did not stop here. The strength of the Corps had been raised in 1807 to eight hundred and sixty- six non-commissioned officers and privates, but only three hundred and forty-five non-commissioned officers and men went home with the regiment. Upwards of five hundred men have therefore to be accounted for, and it would seem that most of them joined the 73rd Regiment. Writing to Lord Liverpool on the 9th November, 1812, Macquarie Want pointed out that he had not sufficient barrack accommoda- tion for the garrison, increased as it had been by drafts from the 102nd Regiment : — "At the present time the 73rd consists of 1,128 men, inde- pendent of their women and children, and the Veteran Company, 106 men, with their proportion of wom6n and children. Total, 1,234 soldiers." • Letter from Lord Castlereagh to Goyemor Macquarie, 14th May, 1809.