Page:History of Norfolk 1.djvu/344

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1457, 29 Jan. John Mychell, priest; he was the last rector, it being consolidated in his time to West-Herling.

In 1321, Sir John de Furneaux Knt. in open court, enjoined all the tenants of the manor, under the penalty of 12d. for every default, to dig a St. Andrew's cross on each piece of their land, when they sowed it, to avoid all disputes between the rectors of West and Middle-Herling.

There were three lamps and a wax taper kept burning in this church, at the expense of the lord of the manor.

In 1344, the lord held a tenement and 9 acres freehold, of the Prior of the canons of the Holy Sepulchre, at Thetford, by the rent of 12d. a year, all which Amy Waterhenne held of the lord, by paying the prior his rent, and 1d. a year to the lord.

Robert Gildeuselve died in 1444, and gave a messuage called Purdye's at Middle-Herling Green, and 9 acres of land, 4 acres and an half lying at Dedmore, and 4 acres and an half at Blowlond, to the inhabitants of Middle-Herling for ever, who, in 1556, brought their deeds into court, and proved that on April the 13th, 1547, Henry Cooper, then feoffee, made a new feoffment of Gildensleves, to the use of the inhabitants, it being freehold, held of Berdewelle's manor in West-Herling, by suit of court, and the rent of 6d. a year and one capon.




Is so called because it lies most east of all three; it belonged to Ketel the Dane, a freeman in the Confessor's time, when it was one manor, having two carucates in demean; in the Conqueror's time Ingulf held it under Will. de Schoies, there being then a church and 4 acres of land belonging to it; the whole was 2 miles long, and 2 miles broad, and paid 17d. 1q. geld.

The whole came to the Earl Warren, and a part of it went with a younger branch of that family to the Bardolphs, and Hugh de Bardolph held it at half a fee; this after became Fawconer's manor.