Page:History of Norfolk 1.djvu/434

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The chancel is tiled; on the north side is an inarched monument, in which is an altar tomb; the arms, inscription, and effigies of a woman, with a label from her mouth, are all lost. This is the tomb of Sir Thomas Knevet of Bukenham castle, and Katharine his wife, daughter to the Earl of Derby.

On a flat stone is this, on a brass plate,

Hic iacet Alicia, quondam Uror Willi: Knyhet, Armigeri, que crat, Filia Johannis Grey, filius Domini Reginaldi Brey, Domoni de Rythyn, que obiit quarto die Mcnsis Aprilis A Dni MCCCClrriiiio

The arms are,

Knevet quartering Clifton, impaling Grey quartered with Hastyngs, counter-quartering Valence, with a crescent for difference.

The following inscriptions are lost, the brasses being reaved,

Hic iacet Ehomas Jvy, Eapellanus qui obiit rir die Mensis Septembris. Anno Domini M.CCCClrrriiio, cuius Anime propicictur Deus Amen.

Hic iacet Robt. Seman Eapellanus, qui obiit nono die Jun. Ao Dom: M.CCCCo Irvo cuius Anime

Orate pro Anima Willi: Pyllys, qui obiit rrv dic Decembris, Anno Dni: M.CCCCC.rrri. cuius Anime propicietur deus Amen.

There are many old stones without inscriptions, under which divers of the family of the Knevets lie buried; an ancient house, saith Cambden, ever since Sir John Knevet was Lord Chancellor of England, under King Edward III. and also honourably allied by great marriages.

For over and besides these of Bukenham, now baronets, from hence sprung those right worshipful knights, Sir Tho. Knevet, Lord Knevet, Sir Henry Knevet of Wiltshire, and Sir Thomas Knevet of Ashwellthorp, and others. 1400.

Orate pro Animabus Johannis Knebet, Armigeri, et Alesiæ Uroris suæ qui ob: 1400.

His effigies in armour in a coat of his arms, viz. Knevet quartering Clifton, his wife by him in a gown, and an escutcheon between them of their arms, viz. Knevet, impaling Lyn, or Lynnes. Arg. a demilion rampant gul. in a bordure sab. bezanté. All this is lost.

Wic iacet Ehomas Filius Henrici Collet, civis et Alvermanni Civitatis Landon, qui obiit vie Nativitatis Sce: Maræ 1479.

Collet impaled with Knevet, quartering Clifton. This is also lost.