Page:History of Norfolk 1.djvu/497

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On flat marbles in the chancel,

Henricus Bacon Armiger, Bacquevilli Bacon Ar. (Dni. Nicholai Bacon de Redgrave, Militis & Baronetti Filij Natu Tertij) Filius Natu Tertius, Bacquevilli Bacon Ar. Frater et Hæres, obijt 13° die Martij Ano Salutis 1647.

Depositum Mariæ Filiæ Bacquevilli Bacon Ar. Natu maximæ, Henrici Bacon Ar. Sororis & Cohæredis, Uxoris Roberti Baldock Ar: Dote, Fide, Forma, Moribus, Castitate, Pietate, Desideratissimæ, ex hac Vita migravit 11° die Augusti An° Salutis 1662.

Here lyeth the body of Robert Kedington of Great Hockham, in the County of Norff. Esq; who took to Wife Philipa, the second Daughter of Bacquevill Bacon, Esq; Sister and Coheir of Henry Bacon, Esq; he departed this Life the 28 Day of March Anno Dni: 1667.

Phillipa Kedington, Uxor ejus obijt 9 Augti 1690.

Henry Kedington, obijt 21 April 1690. Katharina Kedington 7 Febr: 1690.

Rob. Kedington 1 Nov: 1698. Liberi Henr: et Margaretæ Kedington.

Sir Robert Baldock, one of the Judges of the Common Pleas during the reign of King James II. was buried here; he died Oct. 4, 1691, and had two wives, the first of which was Mary, sister and coheir of Henry Bacon, and daughter of Bacqueville Bacon of Hocham, Esq.

In 1532, Robert Poley of Hocham, was buried in the church, as I find by his will, in which is this clause: "Item I wyll that my tenement sumtyme called Jankyns lately John Taylour, alias Nebys, now Robert Poley's, shall fynde and kepe a light before our Lady of Petye, wyth five prekett candells of waxe, to burn in the church of Hocham in tyme of divyne service in the said church, for ever."

Great Hocham

Was always one manor, which belonged to Edric in the Confessor's days, and to Roger Bigot at the survey, when it was worth 4l. and was three miles long and one broad, and paid 15d. geld; it then extended into Wayland hundred, and a freeman that held 8 acres of land in that hundred, but the superiour lordship of it belonged to Bukenham castle as the rest of the town did, the leet belonging to the hundred of Shropham,