Page:History of Oregon volume 1.djvu/29

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Brown (J. H.), in Ashland (Or.) Tidings, Oct. 19, Nov. 2, 1877, in Trans. Or. Pioneer Association, 1877.
Brown (J. Henry), Settlement of Willamette Valley. MS.
Brown (O.), in H. Com. Report, 308, 28th cong. 1st sess.
Browne (J. Ross), Lower California, see Taylor; Report upon the Mineral Resources of the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains. Washington, 1867; Washington, 1868; San Francisco, 1868.
Browne (J. Ross), Resources of the Pacific Slope. San Francisco, 1869.
Buchanan (Jas.), Letter on Oregon Question, Aug. 30, 1845.
Buck (W. W.), Enterprises. Oregon City. MS.
Bulfinch (Thomas), Oregon and El Dorado. Boston, 1866.
Bunker (Wm. M.), In the Lava Beds. In Californian, Feb. 1880. 161.
Burbank (A. R.), Statement. MS.
Burnett (Peter H.), Letter of July 25, 1844, in Niles' Register, lxvii.
Burnett (Peter H.), Letter on Affairs in Oregon. In Niles' Register lxviii. 393; Recollections and Opinions of an Old Pioneer. New York, 1880.
Burnett (Peter H.), Recollections of the Past. MS. 2 vols.
Burton (Richard F.), City of the Saints. London, 1861; N.Y., 1862.
Butler (——), Life and Times. MS.

Calhoun (John C.), Speech in U. S. Sen., Jan. 24, 1843, on the Oregon Bill. Wash., 1843; Speech in U.S. Sen. March 16, 1846, on Abrogation of Convention of Joint Occupancy. Wash., 1846.
California Jour. Assembly, 1857; Military Affairs, Scraps.
Californian (The). San Francisco, 1880 et seq.
Camp (David W.), American Year-Book. Hartford, 1869.
Campbell (Alexander), Speech, July 30, 1863. Sacramento.
Campbell (J. F.), My Circular Notes. London, 1876. 2 vols.
Camp-fire Orations. MS.
Canyon City (Or.), News.
Cardwell (J. A.), Emigrant Company. MS.
Carr (Ezra S.), Patrons of Husbandry. San Francisco, etc., 1875.
Carson City (Nev.), Appeal; State Register.
Carver (J.), Travels through the Interior Parts of North America. London, 1778.
Catholic Almanac, in DeSmet's Missions. Gand (Belgium), 1848.
Chadwick (George F.), Public Records at Salem. MS.
Chadwick (S. F.), Message to Or. Legislative Assembly, 1878.
Chalmers (J. W.), Speech in U.S. Senate, March 24, 1846.
Charles (Wm.), Deposition before Joint Commission, 1865.
Chicago (Ill.), Tribune.
Chicago Land-Owner, in Portland Oregonian, April 24, 1875.
Choris (L.), Voyage Pittoresque autour du Monde. Paris, 1822. Folio.
Cincinnati Gazette, in Portland Oregonian, March 2, 1867.
Clackamas County (Or.), Resources, 1876.
Clarke (H. S.), Speech in House of Rep., Feb. 6, 1846.
Clarke (Mrs H. T.), Emigrant Trail. MS.
Clarke (S. A.), in Californian, July 1880; in Willamette Farmer, Aug. 31, 1877.
Clarke (Samuel A.), Klamath Land. In Overland, xi. 548; Oregon Twenty-five Years Ago. In Overland, x. 410.
Clarke (H. F.), and G. Wright, Letters and Military Correspondence. [34th Cong., 3d Sess., H. Ex. Doc. 1.] Washington, 1857.
Clayton (J. M.), Speech in U.S. Senate, Feb. 12, 1846.
Clyman (Jas.), Note-Book. MS.
Cocke (Wm. M. ), Speech in House of Rep., Jan. 15, 1846.
Codman (John), The Round Trip. New York, 1879.
Coghanour (David), Boisee Basin. MS.
Coke (Henry J.), A Ride over the Rocky Mountains to Oregon and California. London, 1862.
Columbia, Department of, General Orders. 1865, et seq.; Military Reports, 1867 et seq.