Page:History of Oregon volume 1.djvu/623

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explore. Levi Scott was the founder of Scottsburg, on the Umpqua River. He died in 1878, in Lane County, at the age of eighty, respected for his many virtues and his generous character.

    was married while en route to Oregon in June 1846. She died July 14, 1872, at Dallas, aged 47 years. Dalles Republican, July 20, 1872.

    Rev. A. E. Garrison settled in Yamhill County. His wife, Margaret Garrison, died at Salem, August 29, 1870. She was born in Pennsylvania, March 26, 1813, emigrated with her parents to Indiana, was married at the age of 17 to Mr Garrison, and in 1846 accompanied him to Oregon. She was the mother of 14 children, only 9 of whom outlived her. Portland Advocate, Oct. 1, 1870.

    Rice Dunbar was born in Ohio, February 6, 1802. While a young man he removed to Illinois, where he married Jane Miller Bisbin, January 22, 1830. Together they emigrated, and settled in the Waldo hills. His wife died in 1868. He died in September 1870. Id.

    Martin Vaughn emigrated from Indiana. He lived on the Nachess River, Washington; one of his daughters married a Gibbs. Id., March 27, 1873.

    Andrus Harper and his wife, Eliza, settled in the Tualatin plains. A daughter married L. P. Pratt in 1854, removed to Wasco County in 1871, where she died April 17, 1873. Id., May 1, 1873.

    Mrs Cynthia Howard was born in Kentucky, October 19, 1810; removed early in life to Illinois, was married in 1828 to R. R. Howard, and with him crossed the plains and settled in Oregon City, where she resided the remainder of her life. She was the mother of 10 children, two of whom were Methodist ministers. She died August 20, 1877. Id., Aug. 30, 1877.

    Rev. John Howard, son of R. R. and Cynthia Howard, married Miss Jane E. Wingfield, daughter of J. T. Wingfield, in November 1854. She was born in Missouri, July 19, 1840, and died January 1, 1876, leaving 4 children. Id., Jan. 13, 1876.

    J. W. and A. Pugh lived for several years in Yamhill County, but afterward settled in Linn, where they married. Mrs John Pugh, their mother, was born in Virginia, October 1, 1791; removed with her parents to Kentucky, and was there married to John Pugh, about 1818, who was killed by lightning 2 or 3 years afterward, leaving her with 2 boys. After the death of her husband Mrs Pugh removed with her children first to Illinois and then to Iowa, and finally they brought her with them to Oregon. She died January 23, 1872. Id., March 21, 1872.

    Joseph Waldo was born March 19, 1805, in Harrison County, West Virginia. Thence he first emigrated to St Clair County, Missouri, and from the latter place to Oregon in 1846. He was a brother of Daniel Waldo, but unlike him he was of a religious turn of mind, and a generous supporter of the Willamette university, of which he was a trustee, and other Methodist institutions. He died while on a visit to Clarksburg, West Va., Nov. 24, 1871. Id., Feb. 8, 1872.

    James Duval Holman was born in Woodford Co., Ky., Aug. 18, 1814; died at Portland, Or., Dec. 21, 1882. In 1848, he went to Cal. for gold, his party being the first 'argonauts' to arrive in Cal. overland. Returned to Or. City in 1849, where he engaged in profitable business. 1849, he was elected and served as a member of the first territorial legislature of Or. In 1857, he moved with his family to Portland, where he resided until his death. At his death there survived him his wife, Rachel H., and his children, Frances A., Frederick V., Kate S., and George F. Holman.