Page:History of Portland, Oregon - with illustrations and biographical sketches of prominent citizens and pioneers.djvu/12

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Lyman's work runs through a large part of the historical matter. The first chapter, which is devoted to the "Early History of Oregon", an excellent specimen of condensed historical writing, is chiefly by Mr. Vedder.

In preparation of a work of this kind it is easy to realize how much matter that we would have been glad to obtain has now forever escaped even the most active and diligent research. Yet a paragraph at the close of the history may be properly repeated here, namely: "This history of Portland is the product of research and labor extended in all directions that promised results; it is probably as complete as any that is likely to be prepared, and yet not so complete by any means as it would be, were it practicable to gather, to sift and to compare all facts of interest that are yet retained in the memory of living persons or set down in documents remaining in private hands. Unfortunately, the mass of these materials is beyond the reach of those who undertake to prepare a work like this, and writers or editor must be content with such records and recollections as can be gathered by diligence, through knowing that more has been missed than obtained." Yet it is believed that we have here a history sufficiently full and accurate for preservation to future times of an intelligible account of the origin of Portland and of its growth to the proportions of a city.

H. W. Scott.

{[sc|Portland}}, June 1st, 1890.