Page:History of Public School Education in Arizona.djvu/9

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Chapter I.—The setting for public schools 5
Early history; educational efforts by the church 5
Statistical view of population growth 7
Chapter II.—The beginnings of public-school legislation, 1864–1869 9
Organization of the Territory 9
The Howell code and its educational provisions 10
Education in the legislature of 1864 10
The school law of 1867 13
The school law of 1868 14
McCrea on these early efforts 16
Chapter III.—The administration of Gov. Safford—The State superintendency established, 1869–1877 18
Gov. Safford’s message to the legislature of 1871 18
I. The basic act of 1871 20
Reports on the act of 1871—Gov. Safford’s work 22
The situation in 1873 24
Wasson’s review in 1874 26
II. The situation in 1875 27
The church and state situation in 1875 28
Last years of Safford’s administration 29
III. Progress up to 1879—Beginnings in the cities 30
The development of schools in various centers 31
Chapter IV.—The superintendent made an independent officer—Administrations of Sherman and Horton, 1879–1885 37
I. The act of 1879 and the new development 37
II. Sherman becomes the first independent Territorial superintendent 40
III. Horton becomes superintendent, 1883–1885 45
Chapter V.—Organizing the school system, 1885–1887 51
I. The school laws of 1885 and 1887 52
II. Administration of Supt. Long, 1885–1887 55
Chapter VI.—Reaction and progress, 1887–1899 61
Summary of this period 61
Reaction in 1887 62
Educational legislation in 1891 66
Further fortunes of the schools 66
Chapter VII.—Further growth and development during the Territorial period, 1889–1912 73
I. Second administration of Robert L. Long, 1899–1902 74
II. Administration of Nelson G. Layton, 1902–1906 76
III. Third administration of Robert L. Long, 1906–1909 80
IV. Administration of Kirk T. Moore, 1901–1912 85
Chapter VIII.—The first State administration of schools 88
Public lands provided for the schools 88
Supt. Case becomes State superintendent 89