Page:History of Richland County, Ohio.djvu/390

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��known to belong to the gang, whom they con- veyed to jail.

On the afternoon of March 12, a meeting of citizens was held at Miller's Hall to consider what was best to be done with these men. The hall was packed. The parties who had been arrested, and whose photographs had mean- while been taken, were brought before this meeting, and the sense of the audience taken as to the disposition to be made of them. A

��few were for hanging, but, after much discus- sion, it was decided to escort them to the depot and place them aboard the first train. This happened to be a north-bound train on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. They were threat- ened with hanging if the}' returned. However reprehensible this plan may have been, it was eftectual. Quiet and order were restored, and Mansfield has been comparatively free from them since.


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