Page:History of Richland County, Ohio.djvu/403

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��the following September, the corner-stone was laid with Masonic ceremonies. A large assem- l)lage was present, a procession marched through the streets, and Hon. Jacob Brinkerhoff deliv- ered an address, giving a very complete history of the bench and bar of the count3^

The new building was finished, and dedicated with much ceremon}- January 22, 1873, on

��pressed brick, rustic stone quoins filling the corners and decorating all the windows and doors. The roof is mansard, giving the whole the Anglo-Franco expression, combining ancient orders with modern improvements. It is beau- tiful in design and general appearance, solid and substantial in its construction, fire proof except the roof, and conforms to the general


��which occasion a large numlier of citizens gath- ered in the new court room. The meeting was presided over bj- Hon. Greorge W. Geddes, and sliort speeches were made by man}' prominent citizens, the regular oration being delivered by Gen. Roeliff BrinkerhoflE", in which he gave a general history- of much value and interest.

The new building gave general satisfaction. It fronts both on East Diamond and East Mar- ket streets. The outside of the buildino; is of

��idea of architectural lieauty of to-day. though a hundred j-ears from now it will no doubt be thought old fogyish and out of style. A large portion of the work on this building was done by Mansfield mechanics, and much of the mate- rial furnished bj' Mansfield business houses, the brick being furnished from the yard of Enoch Smith and Henry C. Hedges.

The cost of the building, etc., was, con- tract, $177,000 ; extra work. $10,000 ; ground.

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