Page:History of Richland County, Ohio.djvu/406

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��Daniel M. Snyder, 1868 ; W. E. Newlon, 1872 ; Peter Snapp, 1874 ; James Boals, 1874 ; John F. Gerhart, 1878.

County Recorders — Andrew Coffinberry, 1813; Winn Winsliip, 1815; Matthias Day, 1820 ; John Reed, 1832 ; William W. Irwin, 1838; James D. Summers, 1844; James E. Cox, 1847; Eckels McCoy, 1853; James E. Cox, 1859; Elijah Clark, 1805 ; A. J. Littler, 1871 ; J. S. Boliman, 1877.

��Probate Judges — Joel Myers, 1852; John Meredith, 1858; M. W. Worden, 1864; Joel Myers, 1867; H.D.Keith, 1873; E. McCoy, 1879.

County Surve^'ors — The following list em- braces the successive County Surveyors, from the organization of the count}- : First, William Riddle ; second, John Stewart ; third. Christian Wise ; fourth, Joseph Hastings ; fifth, T. J. North ; sixth, Warren Scranton ; seventh, John Newman.

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