Page:History of Richland County, Ohio.djvu/516

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��building it, will ])e inclined, when they look at it now, to regard the Company as the creators and inventors of the vibrator style of thresher — a claim they are not entitled to any more than any other builder, for, as they have often stated, no person, firm nor corporation now in exist- ence can truthfully claim to be either the in- ventors of or the original Ijuilders of, vibrator


st3'le of machines ; but that they deserve the reputation the}' have, as the perfecters of the entii-e race of this (vibrator) style of machine, none will be disposed to dispute.

Before Messrs. Aultman & Taylor were long in the business, they became convinced that the stjde'of horse-power then in use was behind the wants of the times, and bought the only valid patents in existence upon mounted horse- powers, and, in 1869, began building them upon a large scale, being the first concern in America to build largely and introduce widely what has now become the universally popular mounted " horse-power.

In 1869, they built about four hundred threshers and horse-powers ; not a very large number, it is true, but enough to revolutionize the thresher trade of America, and from that day to this, by constant improvement, steady advancement and honorable business manage- ment, they have held the practically undis- puted position of being the builders of the leading threshing machines in America, and to-day ambitious manufacturers everywhere measure their advances in excellence l)y com-

��paring them with the universal American stand- ard of excellence in threshing machines.

The first horse-powers built by them were the Triple-Gear, and so long as they built them they managed by great care in their construc- tion, and b}' using a great deal of machinery invented by them expressly for building them, to keep them in the forefront ; but while cer- tain of their good qualities, when properly and carefully managed, they finally' became con- vinced that there was room for improvement, especially in the direction of securing a power which would not require quite so much good management and care as the Triple-Gear Power. For years they had liked the Double- Gear (or Woodbury) Power, but it seemed like an impossible thing to mount it properly on four truck-wheels. After expending much time, labor, experimenting, and invention upon it, and making many changes, they w^ere finally rewarded b}' finding themselves in posses- sion of what threshermen eveiywhere told them was the best horse-power in the mar- ket, and a better one than they had ever hoped to see. This power, now called the Aultman- Taylor Double-Gear Horse-Power, and b}- many the Horse-power of the Century," in recogni- tion of its surpassing excellence, they have built ever since, and it at present stands with-

���out a successful rival among horse-powers. It probably will alwa^'s continue to be the favor- ite horse-power in this country-, as, in the three necessary qualities of strength, light draft and durabilit}', it is unequaled by anj' other horse- power in use.

Earl}' recognizing the fact that in many sec- tions engines would be preferred to horse-pow-



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