Page:History of Richland County, Ohio.djvu/578

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��It looks as if Sandusk}' should follow the lead of townships north of her and take a slice from Springfield on the east, to compensate her for loss of territory- and make her equal in ex- tent to the others. The name Sandusky comes from the Wjandots — their Sah-un-dus-kee mean- ing " clear water ;" or their San-doos-tee^ "at the cold water ;" and their Sa-undustee, "water

��within water pools." The latter signification is peculiarly applicable to Sandusky Bay and the extensive marshes on its borders, which are intersected in mam' directions b}' pools and channels of open water. The French traders, who were on the banks of the Sandusky River years before any other white men, called it Sandusquet.



��Organization, Water, Soil and Timber — Indian Occupation — Roads — First Settlers — An Indian Dance, AND Other Reminiscences — First Election — Indian Trails — Mills — Shelby, its Establishment and Early History — Schools and School Buildings — Churches — The Press of Shelby — Insurance Companies — Business of Shelby — Vernon Station.

��SHARON TOWNSHIP was created out of Blooming Grove, February 9, 1819, and in- cluded one-half the territory now within the boundaries of Jackson Township. In the rage for county seats, which reduced Richland County to its present limits, Sharon was reduced to its present size, four by six miles, in the western and northern part of the county.

Next to Madison, it contains the largest town in the county, Shelby. The land is all tillable and of fine quality. The eastern portion is well watered b}' the Black Fork and its tributaries, which traverse its entire length, from south to north ; and Paramour Run, which passes from east to west across the southwest corner.

Near its center, running north and south, the land is elevated, forming the dividing ridge between the head- waters of the Muskingum and those of the Sandusky River. The larger part of the township slopes gently to the north.

The surface is generall}' leA'el or gently roll- ing, and in its primitive state, was covered with a dense growth of hard wood.

Two railroads, the Cleveland. Columlnis, Cin- cinnati & Indianapolis, and the Mansfield. Cold-

��water & Lake Michigan pass diagonally across it ; crossing each other near its center.

A well-worn Indian trail passed across the township, its general direction being northeast, in the direction of Lower Sandusky (Fremont). The Delaware, Wyandot and Seneca Indians generally used this territory as a hunting- ground ; and a portion of one of these tril^es had a permanent camp on a branch of the Black Fork, about two miles, a little west of south of the present town of Shelby. This camp, con- sisting of ten or a dozen Indians, under the lead of Johnnj-cake, remained here until about the year 1828, when the}- left, never to return. A trail passed through this encampment, from Mansfield to a DelaAvare camp (probabl}' Wing- enund's) on the head-waters of the Sandusky River, near Leesville. So far as known, this was the only permanent Indian camp within the limits of the township, though evidence exists, here and there, of temporary camps for hunting purposes. The great wave of the sea of civilization has long since l)lotted out all external evidences of Indian occupation, except here and there the plow yet turns up some


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