Page:History of Richland County, Ohio.djvu/770

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��removed to Shelby, where he remained about eighteen months, and from there to this township, where he has since i-esided. In the year 1830, on Jan. 7, he was married to a Miss Sarali Burgoyne ; they reared a family of ten children, nine of whom are still living, and named, respectively, John J., Eliza 11., Sarah A., Eli B., Israel W., Minerva F., Harriet J., Mary Ann and Precilla F.; George W. died in Kansas City Feb. '22, 1880, of hemorrhage of the lungs ; he was brought home and buried at Shenandoah. Mr. Miller has never paid much attention to political matters, although he has served, from time to time, as Trustee of his township. His wife departed this life on the 15th of January, 1877 ; she was a consistent Christian, being a member of the Disciple Church, and was beloved by all who knew her.

MILLER, MICHAEL, was born in Dauphin Co., Penn., April 24, 1815, where he resided until the age of 20 years, when he removed with his parents to this county, and located in this township, where he has since resided. Mr. Miller has followed farming ; he has held diiFerent offices of trust in his township. He is the fifth child of David and Elizabeth Miller, both of whom are dead. Mr. Miller was married to Miss Sarah Shoop June 27, 1849 ; they have four children — Alice E., Minerva S., Frank P. and Mary B. Mr. Miller can recall many hardships and privations that himself and family had to endure ; he has, by his industry and strict attention to business, made for himself and family a good home.

MITCHELL, CORYDON, was born in Springfield Township, this county, Feb. 29, 1848, where he resided until the past four years, since which time he has lived in this township; he has always paid his attention to farming. June 17, 1874, he was married to Miss Lil- lie Caton ; they have a family of three children — Luenna G., Wallace H. and Zona P.

MITCHELL, WM. J., was born in Huron Co., this State, June 5, 1850, where he resided until the age of 14 years, when he came to this county, and where he has since lived, with the exception of eighteen months, which he spent in Michigan. He was married Dec. 27, 1871, to Miss Emma C. Sonanstine, who was born June 24, 1850, in this county ; they have four children — Min- nie, Olivia, Bessie and Forest. Mr. Mitchell has always followed farming and still is engaged in that vocation.

MOORE, ALBERT, was born in this county on the 23d of July, 1848. He has since resided here, with the exception of one summer, when lie was in Michigan and Indiana ; he has always paid his attention to farming. In the year 1879, on the 21st of November, he was married to Miss Sarah A. Adam ; they have one child. Birdie.

MORGAN, WILLIAM, was born in Wayne Co., on the 8th of May, 1823, where he lived until the age of 27, when he removed to Little Mexico, AVyandot Co. ; he stayed there one year, then came to this county, where he has since resided ; he has always worked by the day's work and farming. In the year 1861, he enlisted in Co. I, 15th 0. V. I. ; he served over four years and was honorably discharged ; he received a gunshot wound in the thigh, on account of which he now draws a pension.

MORRIS, ISAAC P., was born in Butler Township, this county, and has since resided in the county. He

��is the youngest of five children of Benjamin and Jane Morris ; his health not being good at the age of 15 years, his parents thought some light employment better suited for him ; he engaged himself as clerk in a store, which he followed until the year 1868, since which time he has been engaged in the mer- cantile business at this place, where he carries on a general store, keeps on hand what is always found in a first-class store ; he is also Postmaster. In the year 1872, Aug. 13, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Cline ; they have one daughter — Floyd N., 6 years old

MOSER, HENRY SMITH, was born in Monroe Township Jan. 15, 1823 ; his father, Henry Moser, was born in York Co., Penn., in the year 1787 ; he emi- grated with his parents to Washington Co., Penn., in 1800 ; his mother, Marie E. Smith, was born in Dauphin Co., Penn., at Oldtown, now in the city of Harrisburg; she emigrated to Washington Co., Penn., with her parents in 1804 ; she was married to Henry Moser in 1800 ; the fruits of their marriage were ten children. Henry Moser and his family moved to Rich- laud Co., April 17, 1820, to Sec. 6, Monroe Township ; Henry Moser served six months in the war of 1812. H. S. Moser was the eighth son of his parents, and was married to Miss Rebecca Marlow in 1843 ; the fruit of their union was six children, three boys and three girls, all of whom are still living, and are all married. H. S. Moser served three years in the late war, with two of his sons ; he was severely wounded at Vicks- burg. Miss. He has been living in Blooming Grove Township since April, 1851. Mr. Moser was a mem- ber of Co. K, 120th 0. V. I. ; was enrolled Sept. 28, 1862, and discharged Sept. 28, 1865.

MOSER, JAMES H,, was born in this county April 18, 1844, and, with the exception of two or three years, he spent in Huron Co. and Indiana, he has always lived in the county. He was married, Dec. 3, 1868, to Deb- bie Meek ; they have two children — Anna L. and Sylva May. Mr. Moser has been in the mercantile business for a period of three years at Shiloh, but, with the exception of this, he has always given his attention to farming, in which he is engaged. He was a member of Co. F, 23d 0. Y. I. ; he enlisted Feb. 15, 1864, and was discharged in the summer of 1865.

MOSER, AUSTIN C, was born in Washington Town- ship, this county, March 7, 1848 ; when at the age of 13 years, his parents removed to this township, where he has since resided, with the exception of eighteen months he spent in the army, he being in the late war a member of Co. E, 32d 0. V. I. ; he enlisted March 18, 1864, and was discharged July 20, 1865. He was married, Sept. 16, 1873, to Jennie Martin : they have had two children, both of whom ai-e living, and named Arthur W. and Martin S.

MEYERS, PETER, was born in Adams Co., Penn., about the year 1840, where he resided until the age of 30 years, when he went to the State of Illinois, where he remained about one year and then removed back to this county, and located in Cass Township, where he stayed one year, then came to this township, and has since resided here. He was married, Oct. 20, 1868, to Mary Ann Albert ; they have never had any children, but have adopted a little girl, named Ida A.


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