Page:History of Richland County, Ohio.djvu/772

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��Circuit, J. Scoles, Assistant; 1852, Olivesburg Circuit, R. H. Chubb, Assistant; 1853, Sullivan Circuit; 1854- 55, Jeromeville Circuit, P. R. Roseberry, Assistant; 1856-57, Mansfield ; 1858-60, Presiding Elder Mans- field District; 1861, agent Ohio Wesleyan Female Col- lege at Delaware; 1862, Chaplain 102d llegt. 0. V. I.; 1863-64, Berea; 1865-67, Taylor street, Cleveland; 1868-70, Lorain street, Cleveland; 1871-72, Galena Circuit ; 1873-75, Pelton avenue, Cleveland ; 1876, Shiloh Circuit ; 1877-78, superannuated ; 1879, trans- ferred from earth to heaven. He was twice married. His first wife vyas Jemima Darrow, who left two children — daughters — at her death, both living. His second wife was Abbie A. Ingham, the comfort of his infirm old age. Brother Parrish was one of the old- school preachers, the pioneers of Methodism in the West, whose college was experience ; whose teacher, the Holy Spirit ; whose study, the saddle.

PARRISH, MRS. ABBIE A., is the widow of the late Rev. Hugh L. Parrish, who departed this life on the 17th of .June, 1879, whose portrait and life will be found elsewhere in this work. Mrs. Parrish was born in New London Co., Conn., on the 1st of Janu- ary, 1828; when at the age of 8 years, her parents removed to this State, where she has since resided ; she commenced going to school when quite young and was an attentive pupil ; she attained for herself an educa- tion sufficient to teach school, which vocation she fol- lowed for a few years, when she quit teaching and went to the Ohio Wesleyan Female College at Delaware, this State, where she graduated with honor, and from that time until her marriage with the late Rev. Hugh C. Parrish, Feb. 7, 1860, she followed her profession as teacher in the high school ; her husband and herself by their united energies had made for themselves a good home, and, at his death, she fell sole heir to all. Her health is somewhat impaired, but she is still able to attend to the management of her farm. She enjoys the respect of every one who knows her.

PAUL, MATILDA, is the widow of the late Mr. Andrew Paul, who departed this life on the 17th of April, 1872. Mrs. Paul was born in Beaver Co., Penn., on the 4th of June, 1817, where she resided until the age of 19, when she paid her uncle a visit in this town- ship, but never returned to her native home, as she married Mr Paul on the 2d of January, 1840, and has since resided here. They reared a family of eight children, six of whom are still living and named Mar- garet Ann, William M., Mary J., Andrew E., Matilda and Nancy C; those deceased are named Elizabeth, who died after marriage, and Rebecca Ann, who died in infancy. Her son Andrew A. is unmarried, resides at home and carries on the farm, and three daughters, unmarried, are still at home; the rest of her children are married.

PITTENGER, IRA L., was born in Rome, this town- ship, Dec. 16, 1852, where he has since resided, with the exception of about one year, when he resided in Weller Township. He was married Nov. 19, 1876, to Ida V. BackenstD, who was born in this county, where she has always lived; they have two children — Loyd 0. and a baby. Mr. Pittenger is by prc^fession a school teacher, which vocation he followed in the winter sea- son ; in the summer he pays his attention to farming;

��he has also followed the business of buying produce through the county for a period of four seasons. He has never missed a winter at school, either as pupil or teacher, since he was 5 years of age ; he has taught school eleven terms.

POTTER, GEORGE H., was born in Franklin Co., Penn., on the 21stof October, 1888, where he resided un- til the year 1866, when he came to this county and has since resided here. Mr. Potter is by profession a miller, although he has paid some attention to farm- ing ; for the past ten years, however, he has been in the grocery business at this place, and for the past four years has been Postmaster also of Ganges. In the year 1870, on the 10th of .July, he was married to Mrs. McElroy. H« enlisted in the late war, first a mem- ber of Co. K, 126th Penn. V. I.; he was enrolled Aug. 2, 1862 ; discharged on the 20th of May, 1863 ; sec- ond, was amember of Co. D, 21st Penn. V. C; enrolled on the 1st of February, 1864, and discharged on the 8th of July, 1865, at Lynchburg, Va.

POWELL, ELIZABETH, MRS., is the widow of the late William Powell, who was born in Pitt Township, Allegheny Co., Penn., March 7, 1805. At the age of 17, he came to this county, and lived here until his death, which occurred March 7, 1880, at the age of 75 years. Mrs. Powell was born in Beaver Co., Penn., Aug. 14, 1813 ; she lived there until the age of 17, when her parents removed to this county, where she has since resided; they have thirteen children, seven of whom are still living — James, William H., Matilda Jane, Priscilla Ann, Sarah, Lydia and George W.; the ones deceased were named Margaret, Mary, John, Nancy, David R. and Elizabeth ; James, W'illiam H., Matilda Jane, Priscilla Ann and Sarah are married. George W. was born Feb. 22, 1857, on this farm, and has always lived here ; he has always paid his attention to farming, and now carries on the farm for his mother, which he has been doing since his father's last and fatal illness.

POWELL, JAMES, was born in this township Aug. 20, 1837, where he has always resided. He was mar- ried, June 19, 1860, to Sarah C. Roseberry, who was born in Ashland Co., April 15, 1845 ; they have a fam- ily of five children, all of whom are still living — Syl- vester W., Ida May, Otho, Irene S. and Ina E. Mr. Powell has always farmed from boyhood, and of late years has turned his attention to dealing in stock, al- though he owns and has the management of two farms. He has, by industry and strict attention to business, made for himself and family a good home.

POWELL, WILLIAM H., was born in this township June 5, 1840, and has always lived in the township. He was married, Aug. 3, 1868, to Sabra S. Finch ; they have five children — Nora B., Delia, Nettie, S. W. and Eva. Mr. Powell has always been a farmer.

QUINN, SAMUEL, was born in this State, Feb. 21, 1812, where he resided until the year 1821, when his parents removed to this township and located on the farm our subject now owns ; he is the oldest child of seven children, whose parents' names were Daniel and Hester Quinn, both of whom are dead ; his father died Jan. 1, 1861 ; his mother on the 6th of May, 1873, at the ripe old age of 82 years ; our subject

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