Page:History of Richland County, Ohio.djvu/905

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��there about four years, when he returned to his native county, and purchased 75 acres of Sec. 11, Range 20, in Sharon Township. Politically, he is a Republican, and possesses the confidence of the community ; he enlisted in Co. F, of 163d 0. V. I., May 2, 1864, and was mustered out of service at Columbus, Ohio, in September of the same year.

WIRTZ, HENRY, Sr.' father of Henry, Jr., and John; was born near Heidelberg, Germany, in the Grand Duchy of Baden, in April, 1806 ; he married Miss Bow- man about 1828; they had thirteen children; they emigrated to Ohio about 1840, with three children, locating on what is known as the Wirtz homestead; he lived to the age of 72, his wife and two sons surviving him ; he died in the faith of the Reformed Church, of which the remainder of his family are members.

WIRTZ, HENRY, farmer; P. 0. Shelby; he was born on the Wirtz homestead in March, 1844 ; he re- ceived his education at the district schools, remaining with his parents until he was 20 years of age, when he

��married Miss Mary Frank, of Sharon Township ; they have quite an interesting family of children — John Henry, Lewis Philip, George Adam, Charles William, Francis Marion, Allen Willard, Oliver Wesley and Sherman Edward. Mr. Wirtz was elected Trustee of Sharon Township in the spring of 1876, and has been re-elected four consecutive years, having the confidence of the community at large ; he owns 80 acres of land, under a splendid state of cultivation, and erected a fine brick building in 1875; he is a member of the Reformed Church at Shelby.

WIRTZ, JOHN W., farmer; P. 0. Shelby; he was born in Sharon Township Aug. 29, 1849 ; he remained with his parents until 1872, receiving his education in the district schools. He married Caroline Beach Nov. 16, 1872. They have three children — Mattie Florence, Mary Etta and Birdy Hortense. The subject of this sketch has erected an elegant residence, the finest in his immediate vicinity, on his 80-acre farm, which is under a high state of cultivation.


�� ��ANDREWS, HARRISON, is a resident of Ontario ; his father at one time lived in Brooke Co., Va., but moved to Washington Co., where Mr Andrews was born May 3, 1818. He was married, Jan. 14, 1841, to Mary Ann Rankin ; he lived in Washington Co. until the year 1867, when he came to this county. Mrs. Andrews died Jan. 14, 1878. Mr. Andrews has six children living and one dead.

AU, HENRY, farmer; P. 0. Mansfield ; he was born in Cumberland Co., Penn., Aug. 16, 1817; he came to this county, in 1839. He was married in 1850 to Eliza Blower, who was born in England Sept. 9, 1832; she came to America in childhood ; they had nine chil- dren — John F., born May 19, 1851; William H., Jan. 31, 1853; Samuel A., Sept. 9, 1855 ; Thomas J., March 12, 1857; Charles H., March 22, 1858; Theodore L., Feb. 18, 1860; Mary E., March 31, 1862; Robert E., Feb. 16, 1866; George W., March 24, 1868. The fol- lowing are deceased: William H., died April 23, 1864; Thomas J., March 23, 1857. Mr. Au resided in Mans- field 13 years; in 1851 moved to Mifflin Township; remained till 1855, then bought a farm in this town- ship ; has resided here since.

AU, CHRISTOPHER ; merchant, Ontario ; he was born in Cuinberland Co., Penn., in 1824, and came to Ohio in 1843. He was married June 27, 1848, to Laura J. Greenfield, who was born Nov. 16, 1829, in the State of New York ; they have the following family : John H., born May 2, 1852; Mary E., March 27, 18-54; Martha A., April 8, 1856 ; Sherman G., July 10, 1858 ; Abraham Hamlin, Sept. 1, 1860; Laura F., Nov. 15, 1862; Christopher Sheriden, Oct. 25, 1865. Mr. Au resided in Mansfield for one year and a half ; then spent six years in the Western States ; returned to

��Mansfield and remained till 1855, then removed to Springfield Township, and engaged in farming till 1869, when he located in Ontario, and engaged in the mercantile business ; he also has been Postmaster for eleven years. Mr. Au recruited a company for the 120th 0. Y. T., of which he was Captain, during the war. John H. Au was married, April 18, 1878, to Miss E. M. Hartupee; they have one daughter, Minnie L., born Feb. 8, 1879. He is now a partner in the mercantile business with his father.

BRANDT, DAVID, resides on the southeast quarter of Sec. 5; he was born in Franklin Co., Penn., in the year 1805 ; at 20 years of age, he moved with, his father into Maryland, and married the next year ; from jNIaryland he came to this county in 1837, and lived on the fai'm now owned by J. W. Niman twelve years, when he removed to his present place ; Mr. Brandt lost his first wife, July 30, 1865 ; he was mar- ried a second time to Margaret Augustine, a sister of his former wife, in the fall of 1866 ; he has nine children living and two dead. His trade has been that of a carpenter and builder, in which he was one of the best; all over the township and in those adjoining are evidences of his skill ; so successfully has he followed his business that he has now a small improved farm and a hanilsome competence besides. Mr. Brandt is a member of the Lutheran Church ; is highly respect- ed, and widely known as an able, honest, and, in times past, a most useful man.

CAMPBELL, DENNIS, farmer ; he was born in Berk- shire, Vt., Aug. 29, 1825; he came to Richland County with his parents in the spring of 1840 ; his father, Shepard Campbell, resided for many years in this township ; in 1863, he removed to Fayette Co.,

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