Page:History of Richland County, Ohio.djvu/952

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��became associated with and in the Plymouth Adver- tiser oflBce, with his brother, J. M. Beelman, and in 1876, sold back to J. M. Beelman, and in December, 1876, he purchased the office and became sole proprie- tor, since which time the Advertiser has been on a solid and firm basis, and has a circulation and support second to no other paper in the county ; as to the jobbing department, it is complete as all can testify who have occasion to patronize it. On Oct. 8, 1874, was married to Miss Frank Gipson, a resident of Plymouth; and as a result of this union, they have one child, Grace W., born Oct. 10, 1876. Mr. B. is one of the first and foremost men in town, as the success of the Advertiser shows him to be, a thorough-going busi- ness man ; he is Secretary of the Plymouth Agricult- ural Society, Township Clerk, and has occupied other offices in the gift of the people, and with all, is a man well worthy the position he holds in society.

OBERLE, FRANCIS J., REV., Pastor Roman Catholic Church, Shelby; Rev. Francis J. Oberle, was born in New York City May 7, 18.32 ; he was educated in the Parochical School Church of the " Holy Redeemer," till at the age of 12 years : he then commenced the study of Latin and languages in New York City, and soon after went to the St. Charles College, Maryland, where he remained three years, finishing up his classi- cal course in 1855 ; he then entered the mission society, and remained in this connection for about sixteen years ; during this period, he completed his full course of study, while traveling extensively through the West, and elsewhere; during the war of 1861-65, was Chaplain of the "Irish Brigade," under "Mulligan" from Chicago, 111., and still later became connected with the hospitals in Cumberland, Md. ; in 1877, he came to Shelby, Ohio, from New York City, and being a man of fine education, and considerable executive ability, has done much toward establishing the Roman Catholic Church in this place ; his energy and perseverance, with tact to accomplish, has enabled him, to not only overhaul the church, but to erect a residence on architectural plans, adapted to the best interest of the church, and the people at large.

LOOSE, NATHANIEL H., Rev. Pastor Reformed Church, Bellevue, Ohio ; was born near Bloomfield, Perry Co., Penn., Sept. 5, 1834 ; he is the oldest son of Peter Loose and Ann Mary Ranch, now residing near Wyoming, Del. When about 4 years of age, he with his parents moved to near Greencastle, Penn., and in 1846, settled in Monroe Co., Mich,; in 1853, he entered Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio and graduated in the sci- entific course in 1857: he was ordained to the ministry of the Reformed Church in 1858. He was married the same year, by Dr. M. Kiefifer, to Miss Alma T. Kroh, of Tiffin ; four sons were born to them, one of whom is dead. Ursinus K., the oldest, is now in the National Exchange Bank, Tiffin ; Alvin and Clarence are attend- ing school. Rev. Loose's first charge was at Sugar Grove, Fairfield Co., Ohio ; continued there five years ; settled at Shelby in 1863, and continued fourteeti years. While at Shelby, he was for six years a member of the School- Board and its President during the erection of the high school building ; he always entertained a lively interest in the institutions and people of the town and vi- cinity. In August, 1877, he took charge of St. Paul's Re-

��formed Church, Bellevue, Ohio, where he is now living.

McQUOAVN, DAVID A. (deceased) ; was born in Westmoreland Co., Penn., July 16, 1813; at an early age, his father removed with his family, to Belmont Co., Ohio, and from there to Richland County ; some time between the years of 1820 and 1830 ; the exact date is not known. He was married to Mary Patterson, of Lexington, Ohio, Sept. 3, 1835, by Rev. Adam Torrence, at that time a Presbyterian minister living in Lexing- ton ; they had seven children — William, Leonidas, Margret Jane, Mary L., Thomas P., Andrew and War- ren, all of whom are living, except AViUiam and Margaret Jane. Mr. McQuown was Justice of the Peace in and for Troy Township, for the period of twenty-one years, or seven terms ; he was noted as the first Whig Justice of Troy Township ; some of the brightest local talent of Central Ohio was often engaged in trying cases in his office, and such young lawyers as Hon. John Sherman, Samuel J. Kirkwood (now United States Senator from Iowa), Hon. Thomas W. Bartly (now residing in Wash- ington, D. C), Hon. George W. Geddes, Hon. James Stewart (afterward Judge Stewart), Barnabus Burns, and others. Mr. McQuown served several times as Mayor of the village of Lexington, and took a promi- nent part as a local Whig and Republican politician. After his removal to Michigan, he served several years as Justice of the Peace. He died in West Windsor, Eaton Co., Mich., Feb. 16, 1879.

NEWMAN, JACOB, dealer in marble and granite, La Grange, Ind. He was born in Richland Co., in 1832 ; at the age of 17 years, he moved with his parents to Williams Co., remaining there three years ; at the end of that time, he returned to Mansfield and engaged as clerk in the store of E. & C. Hedges, until the following, spring, when he went to La Grange, where he now resides. In September, 1861, Mr. Newman enlisted in Co. H, 44th, Ind. V. I., and was elected Second Lieu- tenant ; he commanded the company at Shiloh, April 6, 1862, where he was desperately wounded, being shot through the body, a wound that at first was considered certainly mortal, and one from which the surgeons declared not one man in a thousand could survive ; he, however, recovered ; Mr. N. was promoted Captain of the company (commission dating from the day of the battle), but his wound disabled him from further service, and he resigned Nov. 14, 1862, and returned home. In 1863, he was appointed Deputy Provost Mar- shal for La Grange County, of the Fourth District of Indiana, and as such had charge of the enrollment of the county. He was elected County Treasurer in 1864, and re-elected in 1866 ; since the expiration of the last term, he has been engaged in mercantile pursuits, and is now dealing in marble and granite.

SMITH, GEORGE H., Goodland, Benton Co., Ind. He was born in Jackson Township, Richland Co., Ohio, Feb. 22, 1844, remaining with his parents until 1861, when he enlisted in Company H, 64th 0. V. I., better known as the Sherman Brigade, C. R. LorS commanding company ; he participated in the follow- ing engagements : Shiloh, Corinth, Stone River, Perry- ville, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Resaca, and in the Atlanta campaign, until the 16th of June ; while on the skirmish line in front of Kenesaw Mountain, he received a gunshot-wound in the left forearm, severing the main


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