Page:History of Utah.djvu/25

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Adams (G. J.), A Few Plain Facts, etc. Bedford (Eng.), 1841; Letter to President John Tyler. New York, 1844.

Address by a Minister of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to the People of the United States. Printed while the Mormons were at Nauvoo. Philadelphia, n.d.

A Friendly Warning to the Latter-day Saints. London, 1860.

Albany (Or.), Jouraal.

Aldrich (Hazen), The Olive Branch, monthly. Kirtland (0.), 1851-2.

Alegre, Hist. Comp. Jesus, 1. 233-8.

Alexander (W. C), Princ. Mag., xxiv. 687.

Alta (Utah), Times.

Amberley, in Fortnightly Rev., xii. 511.

American Almanac. Boston and New York, 1830 et seq.

American Geog. and Statis. Soc. Mag. New York, 1850 et seq.

American Quarterly Register and Magazine. Philadelphia, 1848 et seq.

American Whig Review. New York, 1845-51. 13 vols.

Among the Mormons, in All the Year Round, x. 1863.

Among the Mormons, in Gent. Mag., new ser., vii.

Amp6re (J. J.), Promenade en Am6rique, etc. Paris, 1855. 2 vols. Paris, 1860. 2 vols.

Ancient American Records, n.d.

Ancient and Modem Michilimackinac. (History of James J. Strang's Move- ment.) n.d.

Anderson (R. R.), Salt Lake City Street- Railroad. MS.

Andouard, Far West.

Andree (Karl), Die Mormonen und ihr Land. Dresden, 1859,

An Exposure of Mormonism. Dunstable (Eng.), n.d.

Anti-Mormon Almanac. New York, 1842.

Antiooh (Cal.), Ledger.

A Plan to Solve the Utah Problem. Salt Lake Qty, 1880.

Apples of Sodom. Cleveland (0.), 1883.

Appleton (D. & Co.), Amer. Cycloped., N. Y., 1873, 1875; Journal, N. Y.

Appleton's Illustrated Hand-book of Amer. Travel New York, 1856 et seq.

Arch. Cal., Pro v. Rec. MS., i. 47-8, vi. 69.

Archives du Christianisme (1852-3).

Ashland (Or.), Tidings.

Astoria (Or. ), Astorian.

Athrawiaeth a Chyfammodau (Wales), n.d.

Atlantic Monthly. Boston, 1858 et seq.
