Page:History of Utah.djvu/251

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if he would consent to humble himself. But Sidney- would not humble himself Soon after Joseph's death, at which he was not present, he had a revela- tion of his own, bidding him conduct the saints to Pittsburgh.^* Visiting that city, he found the time not yet ripe for this measure; and meanwhile return- ing to Nauvoo, the 3d of August, he offered himself on the following day as a candidate for the presidency, aided by Elder Marks.

Sidney now put forth all his strength to gain influ- ence and secure retainers. He must have Joseph's mantle ; he must have the succession, or henceforth he would be nothing. It was a momentous question, not to be disposed of in a day. To substantiate his claim, Sidney could now have visions with the best of them ; on various occasions he told how the Lord had through him counselled the people to appoint him as their guar- dian. He requested that a meeting should be held on the following sabbath, the 8th of August, for the further consideration of the matter. But prior to this meeting Parley Pratt and two others of the twelve bade the candidate go with them to the house of John Taylor, who yet lay prostrate with his wounds. Tay- lor expostulated with him, but to no purpose. Sidney continued to press his claims, even assuming the sacred office, prophesying and ordaining. On the sabbath named, according to appointment, Sidney and his sup- porters met in the grove near the temple ; but were confronted by the apostles, with Brigham at their head. Standing before them, Sidney addressed the

iam Huntington; president over a quorum of high priests, Don Carlos Smith, with Amasa Lyman and Noah Packard for counsellors; a priesthood to pre- eide over the quorum of elders, John A. Hicks, Samuel Williams, and Jesse Baker; to preside over the quorum of seventies, Joseph Young, Josiah But- terfield, Daniel Miles, Henry Herriman, Zera Pulsipher, Levi Hancock, James Foster — this for elders constantly travelling, while the quorum of elders was to preside over the churches from time to time; to preside over the bighopric, Vinson Knight, Samuel H. Smith, and Shadrach Eoundy, and others.

^* See his memorial to the Pennsylvania legislature, in Times and Seasonx, V. 418-23. Remy says that he was also instructed to pay a visit to Queen Victoria, and overthrow her if she refused to accept the gospel. Jour, to O. S. L. City, i. 411; a statement for which I find no authority.