Page:History of Utah.djvu/307

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opening at either end, where was stationed a guard. The tents were pitched outside of the corral.^

In crossing the Loup River on the 24th, they used a leathern boat made for this expedition, and called The Revenue Cutter. On the 4th of May letters were sent back to Winter Quarters by a trader named Charles Beaumont. On the 2 2d they encamped at Ancient Bluff Buins. Here the spirits of the people reached such high hilarity that their commanding

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CoRRAii OP Wagons.

officer was obhged to rebuke them, whereupon all covenanted to humble themselves.^

Early in June they reached the Black Hills by way of Fort Laramie.^ Here they rested for two or three

» Woodruff's Journal, MS., April 19, 1847. On May 4th they 'established a post-office and guide system for the benefit of the next camp following. Every ten miles. . .we put up a guide-board.'

^ ' I have told the few who did not belong to the church that they were not at liberty to introduce cards, dancing, or iniquity of any description.' Hist. B. Young, MS., 1847, 90.

' Fort John, or Laramie, was occupied by ' James Bordeaux and about eighteen French half-breeds and a few Sioux . . . There had been ro rain for the last two years . . . Two or three of us visited Mr Bordeaux at th