Page:History of Warren County.djvu/14

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reward. But there are some who have given so generously of their labor and time towards the consummation of this work, that to leave them unmentioned would be simple injustice. First, perhaps, should be mentioned Dr. A. W. Holden, of Glens Falls, from whose excellent history of Queensbury we have been compelled to draw so liberally ; to his generous co-operation we are also indebted for the chapter on the Medical Profession, the Press chapter, and other important work. To the Hon. Isaac Mott the work is indebted for the chapter on the Courts, the Beanch and Bar of the county. Others, who have generously aided the work, are T. S. Ketchum, for labor on the Masonic Order ; H. M. Harris, of the Glens Falls Republican, and the press generally throughout the county, for use of files, etc. ; Henry Griffing, of Warrensburgh ; David Noble, of Johnsburgh ; D. Aldrich, of Thurman ; George T. Rockwell, of Luzerne ; Daniel V. Brown, county clerk ; Professor Farr, of Glens Falls Academy ; the town clerks of the county, and many others. To all such the gratitude of the publishers and readers is extended.

With this word of introduction the work is commended to its readers by the publishers and

The Editor.