Page:History of West Australia.djvu/502

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AUSTRALIA is so young and so large that there are immense areas of her country unsettled, and even unexplored. In the north of Western Australia, in the Northern Territory of South Australia, and in remote Queensland, there are expansive stretches still hid in their primal gloom. No white man has trod these wastes, no pathfinder has picked his curious way through these tropical regions; the natives—the children of the bush—remain lords of their primeval birthplaces. When taking Australia in a comprehensive bird's-eye view comparatively few and isolated settlers will be seen—an infinitesimal number according to the laws of population. In the old world population is in places reckoned at so many people to the acre; in Western Australia it is approximately eight square miles to one white man.

Photo by
Greenham & Evans.

Much of the country in the Kimberley division of this colony is substantially unchanged from what it was a hundred years ago. The white man has no footing there; eternal stillness is not broken by the songs of commerce, the language of cattle and horses and sheep; the black is undisturbed and holds his corroborees beneath the mangrove. News comes to him at times by means of rumours carried from tribe to tribe that white-skinned people have been seen to the south, but he gives them little thought and is quite oblivious to the pathetic doom which is daily drawing upon him. The writing is on the wall; natural law will not be circumvented; he shall soon be known no more.

As yet the northernmost station is that owned by Messrs. Connor and Doherty—the "Newry." It lies somewhat west of Wyndham, and comprises 1,200 square miles of excellent grazing land. Beyond Newry in almost every direction there is good country to be taken up, which in days to come will undoubtedly prove an invaluable asset to Western Australia.

We are referring in another page to the career of Mr. Francis Connor, M.L.A., of that enterprising firm of pioneers and civilising couriers of which Mr. D. J. Doherty is the other member. Dennis Joseph Doherty was born at Newry, in Ireland, in 186l, and there obtained the foundation of a strong and hardy constitution; the pioneer of Australian "back blocks" requires an iron constitution. He attended St. Coleman's College until 1876, and had as a fellow-student his present partner, Mr. Connor. The two boys played together and studied in common, and roamed the environments of their native district in each other's company. The most prophetic soul then watching them would not have imagined a future career in such strange comparison, as was actually to take place.

Upon leaving school, young Doherty entered a linen spinning factory, while young Connor was associated with his father in an auctioneering business. For five years Mr. Doherty puzzled his mind in watching the ingenious process of linen manufacture. Soon after the notorious Phœnix Park murders he left Ireland, and found his way to Sydney, New South Wales. His colonial career began in a comparatively modest capacity under a firm of general importers in that city, with whom he remained for four years. Meanwhile he was delighted to welcome to Australia his old school chum, Francis Connor. The young men wisely put their heads and bodily vigor and capital together, and determined, in 1886, to come to Western Australia. Attention was at that period being gradually attracted to the Kimberley Gold fields, which rumour said contained some promise. Not averse to "roughing it" in the sparsely settled parts of the continent, they embarked in May of that year in the Afghan, the first steamer sailing for north west ports from the eastern colonies. They took merchandise with them which they hoped to sell at a substantial profit, and landed in Cambridge Gulf at what is now well known as Wyndham. There they opened a store in a tent, and while Mr. Doherty looked after this, Mr. Connor procured teams and carted provisions to the fields at Hall's Creek. Needless to say, both gentleman were thrown into the vortex of vicissitudes and were put to many inconveniences and trying labours. Their venture succeeded, as such bold enterprise was bound to do, and the profit on their original shipment of stores was encouraging. They sent for further consignments, and in course of time the store of Connor and Doherty became the best known in that part of Western Australia. It was so firmly established that, still in existence, it is now recognised as indissoluble with Wyndham and the surrounding country. So well did the store prosper that the firm turned its mind to other industries. The early training of Mr. Connor encouraged him to enter into pastoral pursuits. Cambridge Gulf is in closer proximity to India than most ports of Australia, and because a lucrative industry in importing Australian horses was already established, the firm naturally