Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 4.djvu/1098

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authorities in large towns are realizing the value of women as Sanitary Inspectors, and the number of these increases gradually.


Half a century ago there was not one school or college where women could have any approach to University classes. Now there are over 2,000 women graduates, besides 1,500 who hold certificates from Oxford and Cambridge in place of the degrees which would have been theirs had those ancient seats of learning opened their gates to women graduates. The following table shows the particulars :

Distribution. Women Admitted. Approximate total number of graduates in January, 1900.
London University. By a supplemental charter of 1878 1,100
Victoria University By its charter of foundation, 1880 180
Royal University of Ireland 1882 425
The Scottish Universities:
Edinburgh, By an ordinance of the University Commissioners in 1892 empowering the admission of women 226
Glasgow, Commissioners in 1892 empowering
Aberdeen, the admission of women 226
St. Andrews.
University of Wales By a charter in 1893 incorporating the Colleges of Aberystwith, Cardiff, Bangor 27
Durham By an amending charter in 1895 25
Girton College, Cambridge Opened for women 1872 529
Newnham College, " Opened for women 1880 577
Halls for Women in Oxford Opened for women 1879 426

The students of the three Women’s Colleges above take the examinations of Cambridge and Oxford and have instruction in part from their faculties, but receive only certificates instead of degrees. The other universities grant them full degrees.

The establishment of an equal standard of knowledge for men and women has brought about the result that the achievements of women in literature, science and art, once treated as abnormal and exceptional are now quite normal and usual; and the liberal learning, once confined to the very few in favored circumstances, is within the reach of numbers. As a corollary to this it has been recognized that women’s occupations also deserve systematic training, with the result that when once the training was given the resourcefulness of women has enabled them to follow out new