Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 4.djvu/1198

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In order that the following Index may not be overburdened with names, it has seemed best not to include those of officers and workers in the various States unless they are listed in some capacity elsewhere. While this decision causes injustice in some cases, it will be approved when it is considered that in the Massachusetts chapter, for instance, about 600 different individuals are mentioned, some of them a score of times; in those of New York and California, over 300 each, and in that of Vermont, including only seven pages, nearly 150. With half-a-dozen exceptions the State chapters are very short and it will require only a few minutes for the reader to find any name desired. Most of the prominent State workers are mentioned elsewhere and therefore are listed. Even with this arrangement the Index contains almost 1200 names.

  • Abbott, Dr. Lyman, 742.
  • Abbott, Mrs. Lyman, organizes antisuff. soc., 850.
  • Abbott, Merrie Hoover. contest for office of pros. att'y., 770.
  • Aberdeen, Ishbel, Countess of, 301; compliments Amer. wom., 353, 354.
  • Adams, Abigail, on female education, 354; courtship, 422.
  • Adams, Gov. Alva, 302; talks suff. to Fed. of Clubs, 530; 533; on wom. suff. in Col., 1087.
  • Adams, Judge Francis G., 641; statistics of wom. suff. in Kas., 660
  • Adams, Pearl, 27.
  • Adams, Samuel, on representation, 66.
  • Addams, Jane, 608; 718.
  • Adkinson, Florence M., 432, 617; 707.
  • Adsit, Mrs. Allen C., 322.
  • Alabama, names for, Chap. XXV.
  • Alcott, Louisa M., in favor of wom. suff., 411; 431; 702.
  • Alden, Cynthia Westover, 1052.
  • Alderson, Mary Long, writes Mont. chap. 796.
  • Aldridge' George W., 845.
  • Alford, William H.,
  • Allen, C. E., M. C., 260; on wom. suff. platform, 261; 949.
  • Allen, Mrs. C. E., 260.
  • Allen, S. Sen. John B., 158; favors wom. suff., 162; reports in favor, 201.
  • Altgeld, Gov. John P. (Ills.), 606.
  • Ambrose, James Clement, 802.
  • Ames, Rev. Charles G., 425; in Mass., 707 et al.; 712.
  • Ames, Fanny B., 717.
  • Ames, Gov. Oliver (Mass.), 259; 433; recom. wom. suff. in message, 706; same, 723; 718; 727.
  • Amies. Olive Pond, 201.
  • Anderson, Mrs. Garrett, (Eng.), 1015.
  • Anderson, Martha Scott, 331; 774.
  • Anderson, Naomi, 490; 646.
  • Anderson, St. Rep. Sarah A. (Utah), 953.
  • Andrews Bishop E. G., 206.
  • Andrews, Elisha Benjamin, Pres. Brown Univ., works for admis. of wom., 919.
  • Andrews, St. Speaker N. L., wom. suff. in Wy., 1091.
  • Anneke, Mathilde F., 61; Wis., 987.
  • Anthony, Col. Daniel Reed, 174; 645.
  • Anthony, Gov. George T. (Kas.), opp. wom. suff., 649
  • Anthony, U. S. Sen. Henry B. 24; rep. in favor of wom. suff., 47; 61; 89.
  • Anthony, Lucy E., 239; 392; in Calif. camp'n., 487: 707; 900.
  • Anthony, Mary S, 298; work in N. Y., 849 et al.
  • Anthony, Susan B., prepares Hist. of Wom. Suff., III; rec. legacy for, V; purchases rights of Mrs. Stanton and Mrs. Gage and puts book in libraries, resigns presidency of Nat'l. Assn., VI; secures money