Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 4.djvu/1200

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  • convs., 445; ad. labor convs., 446; trib. of Brewers' nat. conv., 447; in Ala., 465; spks. in Ark., 475; at Calif. Wom. Cong., 480; 482; 486; in Calif. camp'n., 487; same, 489; same, 490; same, 500; on Mexicans in Col., 514; 517; visits Denver, 530; in Conn., 535; 546; plan of work to secure suff. amdt., 547; lect. tour of S. D., 553; 554; in S. D. camp'n., 555; Russian voters oppose, goes before K. of L. and Farmers' Alliance, 556; in Ga., 583; in Ills., 598; telegram to Idaho, 590; in Ind., 615; same, 616; before Ind. Legis., 618; in Iowa, 629; same, 630; work in Kas., 640; tour of Kas., 641; in Kas. camp'n., 643; same, 644; 645; 646; 648; 649; hears of munic. wom. suff. in Kas., 651; in New Orleans, 678; second visit, 679; in Maine, 690; in Baltimore, 695; in Boston, 706; 708; at Adams, 718; 755; in Mich., 750; same, 757; in Ann Arbor, 758; before Fed. of Labor in Detroit, 759; before Mich. Legis., 764; in Minn., 772-3; in Mo., 790; welcome from children in St. Louis and banq., 791-2; in Neb., 802-3; in Nev., 810-11; pioneer work in N. Y., 839; welcome home from S. D., 841; defends pioneers, 843; welcome home from Calif., 844; face carved in N. Y. capitol, 845; 846; refused by N. Y. Repubs. as delegate, 848; work in N. Y. const'l. conv., 849; same, 851; early legis. work in N. Y., 852; work for equal guardianship, 857; last ap. before N. Y. legis. com., 859; secures admis. of girls to Roch. Univ., Se in Ore., 892; in Penn., 899; in R 907; 910; at Pembroke Hall, Prov., 920; S. C., 922; in Tenn., 926; in Utah, 936; welcomes Utah wom., 937; in Omaha, 939; teleg. to Utah, 942; same, 944; in Utah, 947; Utah ass'n. presents silk dress, 950; in Va., 964; in Wis., 985-6; same, 989; 995; hears deb. on Wy., 1000; hears of its admis., 1003; requests celebration, 1004; visits Wy., 1005; 1007.
  • Arizona, names for, Chap. XXVI.
  • Arkansas, names for, Chap. XXVII.
  • Armstrong, St. Sen. W. W., for wom. suff. in N. Y. Legis., 8509-61-62.
  • Arthur, President Chester A., receives delegates, 18; 74.
  • Ashman, Judge William N., in Del., 564; work in Penn., 899; 904.
  • Atchison, Prof. Rena Michaels, 606.
  • Athey, Eunice Pond, 287; writes Idaho chap., 589; in Ore., 892.
  • Atkinson, Gov. W. Y. (Ga.), 583; 587.
  • Atkinson, Mrs. W. Y., 251.
  • Auckland, Bishop of (N. Z.), for wom. suff., 1027.
  • Auclert, Hubertine (France), 23; 27.
  • Austin, Dr. Harriet N., 205.
  • Australia, 1027 et seq.
  • Avery, Rachel Foster, 19; 27; 61; 124; arranges for Int'l. Council of Wom., 125; issues call, 126; 128; arranges Miss Anthony's birthday celebr., 163; elected secy. united ass'ns., 174; rep. of Council, 175; 218; advoc. movable convs., 219; rep. on Miss Anthony's efforts for Bd. of Lady Megrs., 232; opens headqrs., 257; eulogy of Mr. Sewall, 259; rep. of Atlanta Expos., 262; assn. makes gift for 21 yrs. as sec'y., 387; 380; 443; 554; in Del. 563; at Ga. Expos., 582; work for World's Fair Wom. Cong., 610; in Kas., 640-1; poate to Kas. camp'n, 642; in N. J., 826; 900.
  • Avery, Susan Look, 612.


  • Babcock, Elnora Monroe, press work, 320; 342; press rep., 1900, 365; press work in N. Y., 884.
  • Bacon, Elizabeth D., writes Conn. chap., 535; 536.
  • Bagby, Fannie M., 18.
  • Bagley, Frances, 345.
  • Bailey, Hannah J., 201.
  • Baker, B. P., 417.
  • Baker, Charles S., M. C., 998.
  • Balderston, William, 319; writes Idaho chapter, 589; trib. to, 590.
  • Balfour, Hon. A. J., Premier of England, 1016; 1020.
  • Balfour, Lady Frances (Eng.), pres. suff. soc., 1020.
  • Balgarnie, Florence (Eng.), 179; 642; 708; 790.
  • Ballard, Adelaide, 271; 279; work in Iowa, 631; 803.
  • Banker George W. and Henrietta M 366.
  • Banks, Rev. Louis A., sp. at Amer. conv. of '86, 421; in R. I., 910; in Vt., 957.
  • Barber, Gov. Amos W., on wom. suff. in Wy., 1007.
  • Barrett, Mrs. L. B., 410.
  • Barrows, Anna, household professions for wom., 357.
  • Barrows, Isabel C., Miss Anthony as philanthropist, 354; 739.