Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 4.djvu/1206

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  • District of Columbia, names for, Chap. XXXIII.
  • Doane, Bishop William Croswell, opp. wom. suff., 850; 858.
  • Dodge, Mrs. Arthur M., opposes wom. suff. before U. S. Senate com. of 1900, repudiates courtesy of Miss Anthony, 382; begs com. not to be moved by consideration for her, 383; before N. Y. legis. com., 861; same, 863.
  • Doe, Chief Justice Charles (N. H.), wom. may practice law, 819.
  • Doe, Mary L., at conv. of '90, 334; writes Mich. chap., 755; work in Mich., 756 et al.
  • Doggett, Kate Newell, 61; 410.
  • Dole, Sanford B. (Hawaii), 347.
  • Dolph, U. S. Sen. Joseph N., 93; sp. for wom. suff., 100; same, 104; 218; 205.
  • Donnelly, St. Sen. Ignatius, for wom. suff., 776-7.
  • Dorsett, Martha Angle, 417; work in Minn., 774 et al.
  • Dorsheimer, William, M. C., 51.
  • Doster, Chief Justice Frank (Kas.), for wom. suff., 607; 646.
  • Douglass, Frederick, 136; at conv. of 89. 151; reminiscences, 204; early suffragists, 227; mem. serv., 259; 298; 403; 430; in Boston, 704, 713; in R. I, 907.
  • Douglass, Joseph, 265; 400; 404.
  • Dow, Neal, 164.
  • Downs, H. Margaret, 322.
  • Doyon, Amelia E. H., 259.
  • Drake, Gov. Francis M. (Iowa), 270.
  • Du Bose, Miriam Howard, 228; 235; work in Ga., 237; 582.
  • Dunbar, Mrs. (Md.), 77.
  • Duniway, Abigail Scott, at conv. of 84, 16; 27; 151; 156; 157; 236; 239; at conv. of '95, 249; of '99, 339; of 1900, 363; in Idaho, 589; 590; in Minn., 772; in N. Y., 830; writes Ore. chap., work in Ore., 891 et al.; in Wash., 975.
  • Duniway, Clyde, 739.


  • Eagle, Gov. James B. (Ark.), 475.
  • Earnhart, Ida M., test case for sch. suff. in Ohio, 882,
  • Eastman, Rev. Annis Ford, 202; work in N. Y., 844.
  • Eastman, Mary F., woman's right to suff., 72; justice of it, 79; 118; 175; work. in Mass. . 704 et al.; 'legis. work, 721; in N. Y., 841; in R. I, 907; same, 910; 920.
  • Eaton, Charles H., D. D., for wom. suff., 840.
  • Eaton, Dr. Cora Smith, in N. D., 545; 551; assists on Minn. chap., 772; work in Minn., 773 et al.
  • Eddy, Eliza Jackson, legacy to Miss Anthony, V.
  • Edmunds, U. S. Sen. George F., 375; 939.
  • Edson, Dr. Susan A., 205; 574.
  • Edwards, Amelia B., petit. for wom. suff., 1015.
  • Eisenhuth, St. Supt. Pub. Instruct. Laura J. (N. D.), 551.
  • Eliot, Charles W., pres. Harvard Univ., 206; on education of wom.,

355 protest against wom. suff., 704; inherits prejudice, 736.

  • Eliot, Chancellor Wm. G. (St. Louis), suff. a right, 413; 703.
  • Elkins, U. S. Sen. Stephen B., opp. wom. suff. in W. Va., 982.
  • Elliott Albert H., work in Cal., 482 et al.
  • Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 61; 1092.
  • Emerson, Mrs. Ralph Waldo, 206.
  • Ernst, Hon. George A. O., work in Mass., 710 et al.
  • Eskridge, Gov. C. V. (Kas.), opp. wom. suff., 645.
  • Estee, Hon. Morris M., 436.
  • Eustis, U. S. Sen. James B., opp. wom. suff., 104.
  • Evald, Mrs. Emmy C., 208.
  • Everett, Edward, 433.
  • Everhard, Caroline McCullough, at conv. of '92, 185; 201; work in O., 880 et al.


  • Fair, U. S. Sen. James G., opp. wom. suff., 36; 47.
  • Fairbanks, Mayor (Quincy, Mass.),712.
  • Fairman, Col. Henry Clay, 238; 582.
  • Fall, Anna Christy (Mrs. George H.), 741; 745.
  • Fall, St. Rep. George H., work in Mass., 744 et al.
  • Farwell, U. S. Sen. Charles B., rep. for wom. suff., 156; 158; 162.
  • Fawcett, Postmaster Gen. Henry, M. P. (Eng.). for wom. suff., 17; 61.
  • Fawcett, Millicent Garrett, 17; 301; wom. in India, 330; suff. meet. in London, 353; 718; work in Gr. Britain, 1014; same, 1020.
  • Fawcett. Philippa, 176.
  • Faxon, Henry H., 702 et al.
  • Fergusson, Cong. Del. H. B., 835.
  • Fessenden, Susan S., in Col., 516;