Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 4.djvu/1215

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  • Platt, U. S. Sen. Thomas C., favors wom. suff., 864.
  • Plumb, U. 'S. Sen. Preston B., for wom. suff., 111.
  • Poland, Luke P., M. C., report against wom. suff., 50; 958.
  • Pond, Cora Scott, 425; 427; work in Mass., 706 et al.; in R. L., 910.
  • Porter, Maria G., 275.
  • Post, Amalia B., 295; 942; work in Wy., 994; 1004.
  • Post, Amy, 174; 299.
  • Potter, Bishop Henry M., signs suff. petit., 850.
  • Powderly, Terence V., 164; 184.
  • Powell, Aaron M., in N. J., 820; mem. res., 826; 828; 843.
  • Preston, Dr. Ann, 295; founds Wom. Hosp. in Phila., 905.
  • Price, Prof. Ellen H. E., 318; 564.
  • Pruyn, Mrs. John V. L, organizes anti-suff. soc. 850.
  • Pugh, Sarah, 61; 294.
  • Purvis, Robert. 23; 136; 163; trib. of Mrs. Stanton, 345; in Penn., 900.
  • Putnam, Rev. Helen G., 555.


  • Quarles, Sup. Judge Ralph, decis. on wom. suff. in Idaho, 1089.
  • Queensland, names for, 1032.
  • Quincy, St. Rep. Josiah, in Mass. Legis., 723.
  • Quinton, Amelia Stone, 1054.


  • Rainsford, Rev. W. S., 850.
  • Ralph, Julian, 363.
  • Ramabai, Pundita, 136; 321.
  • Ranney, A. A., M. C., rep. in favor of wom. suff., 84.
  • Rastall, Fannie i 613; 641.
  • Reagan, U. S. Sen. John H., sp. against wom. suff., 31; 1000.
  • Reed, Charles Wesley, 488.
  • Reed, Kitty, 285.
  • Reed, Speaker Thomas B., rep. in favor of wom. suff., 52; 164; 710.
  • Reel, Estelle, wom. suff. in Wy., 301; Nat'l. Supt. Indian Sch., 1010.
  • Renkes, Flora Beadle, 338.
  • Rhode Island, names for, Chap. LXII.
  • Rhodes, Margaret Olive, writes Ok. chap., work in Ty., 886 et al.
  • Rhone, Leonard, 228.
  • Rich, 'Gov. John TT (Mich.), signs munic. suff. 764.
  • Richards, Gov. De Forest (Wy.), advocates wom. suff., 1008.
  • Richards, Emily S., 262; 400; 593; assists on Utah chap., work in Utah, 936 et al.; 950.
  • Richards, A and Mrs. William A. (Wy.), 1005.
  • Richer, lech, rng), 23.
  • Richey, Clara M., writes Iowa chap., 628; 632
  • Ricker, Marilla M., in Calif., 478; in N. H., 816.
  • Riddle, Judge Albert G., sp. at conv. of '89, 144; trib. to Francis Minor and B. F. Butler, 204.
  • Ripley, Dr. Martha G., 417; work in Minn., 772 et al.
  • Ritchie, Anne Thackeray (Eng.), 1015.
  • Roach, U. S. Sen. W. N., 546.
  • Roberts, Brigham H. (Utah), opp. wom. suff., 946.
  • Robertson, J. M. (Eng.), 719.
  • Robinson, Emily, 294.
  • Robinson, Gov. George D. (Mass.), opp. wom. suff., 712.
  • Robinson, Harriet H., 26; 721; 750.
  • Robinson, Lelia J., LL. B., 454; legis. work in Mass., 722; 748.
  • Rockefeller John D., signs suff. petit., 850.
  • Roe, St. Rep. Alfred S., 715; 732.
  • Rogers, Caroline Gilkey, 19; before U. S. Sen. com., 38; 57; 118; work in N. Y., 839 et al.
  • Rogers, Gov. John R. (Wash.), 973.
  • Rollit, Sir Albert, M. P., work for wom. suff., 1016.
  • Roosevelt, President Theodore, recom. wom. suff. to N. Y. Legis., 861; 1075.
  • Root, Martha Snyder, 6; 173; 183; work in Mich., 756 et al.
  • Root, Melvin A., 183; 337; work in Mich., 756 et al.; 757.
  • Rose, Ernestine L., 23; 70; 203; 227; 294.
  • Ross, Hon. John, 224.
  • Routt, Eliza F. (Mrs, John L.), 224; 515; 519.
  • Routt, Gov. John L., 212; 224.
  • Russell, Sarah A. (Mrs. Daniel L.), writes N. C. chap., 874.
  • Russell, Thomas, 382; opp. wom. suff. in Mass. Legis., 733.
  • Rutherford, Annie O (Canada), 342.


  • Sadler, Gov. Reinhold (Nev.), recom. wom. suff. amdt., 813.
  • Sage, Russell, signs suff. petit., 850.
  • Salisbury, Marquis of, Premier of England, for wom. suff, 1020.
  • Sanborn, Frank B., 722.
  • Sanders, U. S. Sen. Wilbur F., 1001.