Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 4.djvu/1220

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  • Wattles, Esther. 300.
  • Wattles, John O. 300.
  • Wattles, Susan E, 294.
  • Waugh, Alice, 235
  • Way, Mary Heald, 564.
  • Webb, Alfred, M. P, 717.
  • Webster, Prof. Helen, 733.
  • Welch, Minerva C (Mrs. A L), 327; wom. suff. in Col, 333; 523.
  • Weld Angelina Grimké, 227.
  • Weld, Theodore D., 259; 702; 709.
  • Wells, Amos R., collects wom suff. testimony. 1085.
  • Wells, Emmeline B., 262; 279; on wom. suff. in Utah, at conv. of '97. 283; writes Utah chap, work in Utah, 936 st al; 949.
  • Wells, Gov. Heber M., 949; 951; 952; wom. suff. in Utah, 1089.
  • Wells, Kate Garnett, 413; opp. wom. suff., 704; 721.
  • Welstood, Jessic M. (Scot.), 19.
  • Wendte, Rev. C. W., 479; 701 et al.
  • West, Gov. Caleb (Utah), 947.
  • West Virginia, names for, Chap LXX.
  • Wheeler, Vice-President William A., for wom. suff., 1075.
  • Whelan, Carrie A, assists on Calif. 478; 489.
  • Whipple, Rev. A. B., 718.
  • Whipple, Charles K, 708.
  • White, Armenia S., 75
  • White, John D, M. C, rep. in favor wom. suff., 12; sp. for same, 35.
  • White, U. S. Sen Stephen M., 495.
  • Whiting, John L, 205; 702.
  • Whitman, Sarah Helen, 295.
  • Whitney, Adeline D. Т, opp wom. suff., 108; 157; 726.
  • Whitney, Sarah Ware, 629.
  • Whitney, Victoria C, 263.
  • Whittier. John Greenleaf, 164; 203; 205; 703.
  • Whittle, Dr. Ewing (Eng), 23; 124.
  • Widdrington, Mrs. Percy (Eng.), 23; 124.
  • Wigham, Eliza (Scot), 19; 1020.
  • Wilbour, Charlotte B, 23.
  • Wilbur, Julia A, 27; 200.
  • Wilbur, Sarah, 259.
  • Willard, Emma, 355.
  • Willard, Frances E., 110; at Council, 136; sp. before U. S. Senate Com. 141; 164; 175; 183; in Denver, 215; death, 304; 438; 517; 610; 612; 641; in Boston, 705; 710; 714; in Mont., 796; in N. C., 874; 886; work i W. C. T. U., 1047; 1048; estab. dept. franchise, 1071.
  • Wilcox, Albert O. 295.
  • Wilcox, Hon Hamilton, 706; 856.
  • Williams, Mary H., 212.
  • Williamson, Frances A., 263; 483; writes Ne. chap. 810; work in Nev., 811 et all.
  • Williamson, M. Laura, 811.
  • Wilson, Edgar, M. C., 590.
  • Wilson, Vice-President Henry, for wom suff, 1075.
  • Windeyer, Miss (Australia), 224.
  • Winship, Dr. A. E. 741.
  • Winslow, Dr. Caroline B, 275; 295.
  • Wisconsin, names for, Chap. LXXI.
  • Wolcott, U. S. Sen Edward O., 156; 235; 525.
  • Wolcott, Lieut.-Gov. Roger (Mass.), 713.
  • Wolf, John B., 59.
  • Wollstonecraft, Mary, 147.
  • Wood, Col S N., 407; 653.
  • Wood, Mrs. S. N, 418.
  • Woodall, William, M. P, work for wom. suff., 1015.
  • Woodbridge, Mary A., 641.
  • Woodbury, Charles J., wom, suff. in Wash. 1096.
  • Woods, Dr. Frances, 592; 632; in O., 880; same, 893.
  • Woods, Mell C, 279; on wom. suff. in Ida. 283.
  • Wright, Hon. Carroll D., sp. on Indust. Emancip. of Wom. 213.
  • Wright, Frances, 147; 294.
  • Wright, St. Rep. Harriet G R (Col.), 523; 524.
  • Wright, Martha C. 288; 298; 812.
  • Wright, Phoebe C, 235.
  • Wyndham, George, M. P., 1020.
  • Wyoming, names for, Chap. LXXII.


  • Yarbrough, Jasper, case of, 8.
  • Yates, Elizabeth Upham, 213; sp. at conv. of '95, 228; 242; 247; 283; in Calif. campn., 487; 490; 536; 558; 696; in Boston, 707; in Mass., 714; 718; in Miss., 783; in N. J., 822; in M. C., 874; in Penn., 899; in S. C., 922; in Va., 964.
  • Yates, Gov. Richard (ills.). 603.
  • Young, Virginia Durant. 222; 224; 235; 263; 293; wom. suff. in South, 362; 583; writes SC chap. work in S. C., 922 et al.
  • Young, Zina D. H, 939; 1052.


  • Zelophehad, daughters of, 372.