Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 6.djvu/210

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Department, which through the courtesy of Geo. W. Martin had been used as legislative headquarters in other years, was again retained with Mrs. Monroe as superintendent. Mrs. William A. Johnston, Mrs. Stubbs and Mrs. C. C. Goddard were appointed a legislative committee. Governor Stubbs had been reelected in November, 1910, and in his message to the Legislature in January he strongly advised the submission. Then the battle royal for votes opened. The resolution was introduced early in January. Every legislator was asked by each member of the committee to vote for it; many of the members' wives were in Topeka and teas, dinners and receptions became popular, at which the "assisting ladies"? were asked to keep the subject of woman suffrage to the front and in this way men and women were interested and educated.

Mrs. Hoffman was a conservative but diligent worker and among her able assistants were a number of men and women from the colleges and universities. Mrs. Lillian Mitchner, president of the State W. C. T. U., was a constant helper. The names of all the valiant workers would be those of hundreds of Topeka people and hundreds more out in the "home districts," who used their influence with the legislators, and those of wives of Senators and Representatives who influenced their husbands' votes. The State House headquarters was a busy place and a large amount of work was done there. The amendment resolution was passed by the votes of the men but it could not have been done without the careful, well planned work of the women. It was adopted by a large majority in both Houses and signed by Governor Stubbs Feb. 12, 1911.

The State convention met in Representative Hall, Topeka, May 16, 1911. Kansas women were now for the third time entering a campaign for political liberty, which made the meeting one of unusual interest. Mrs. Hoffman could not serve longer and the following officers were elected: Mrs. Johnston, president; Mrs. Stubbs first and Mrs. Cora W. Pullard second vice-president; Miss Gertrude Reed, corresponding secretary; Miss Helen N. Eacker, recording secretary; Mrs. S. A. Thurston, treasurer; Mrs. William Allen White, auditor; district presidents, Mrs. Bullard, Mrs. Chalkley, Mrs. P. H. Albright, Mrs. L. C.