Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 6.djvu/897

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  • ond, 528; Ore, 530, 541; 544-5; Penn, 554, 558; S. Dak, 587, 589, 591-2; Tenn, 601, 611, 619; Texas, 640; Wash, 675: West Va, 688; Wis, 701.
  • Campbell, Jane, in Del, 86, 87; Penn, 550.
  • Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, 727-8.
  • Canada, efforts for wom. suff, 753766; Dominion suff. granted, Sir Robert Borden's work for, Sir Wilfred Laurier objects, 761-763; see Provinces; nationality of wives, 764.
  • Cannon, St. Sen. Martha Hughes, 646.
  • Capper, Arthur, 200-2-3.
  • Carey, Gov. Robert D. (Wyo.), 709-10.
  • Carr, Gen. Julian S, 491, 497.
  • Carruth, Prof. W. H, 202.
  • Castleman, Mrs. Samuel, 215.
  • Caswell, Mrs. George A, 37, 44.
  • Cates, Attorney General Cherles T, Jr, 602; 621.
  • Cathcart, Mrs. W. C, work in S. C, 579, 580.
  • Catholic, St. Catherine's Welfare Assn. work in N. Y, 487.
  • Catt, Carrie Chapman, work in Ariz, 10; visits Ark, 18; Calif, 28; 30; 46; assists Conn, 76-7; Del, 86, 91, 95-96; criticizes Seth Low, 107; in Atlanta, 122; Chicago, 161; work in Iowa, 187; speaks in Kans, 203; Ky, 208; 216; in Maine, 230, 238, opp. campaign, 239, speaks in it, 242; work in Md, 248-9, 253, 265; speaks in Boston, 280-1, 291; work in Mich, 300, 311, 313; speaks in Minn, 317; Miss, 326; St. Louis, 342, at natl. suff. conv, 351; work in Mont, 360; Neb, 368-9, 370, 378; Nev, 390-1; N. H, 400-1-2, 407-8; N. J, 413-14, 429; N. Mex, 435-6; New York, 442, organizes Wom. Suff. Party, 445; 450; at legis. hearing, 454; 456; pres. InterUrban Council, 459; art first campaign, 462 et seq; second, 469 et seq; 465; 474-5; great work, 483; in Okla, 532; Ore, §40; Penn, 558; R. I, 568, 570, §71; speaks in Tenn, 506, 598, 612; work for Fed. Amend, urges special session, 617; begins campaign, 619; U. S. Sen. Harding and v. Cox write, 620; her opinion of opponents, 621; in Texas, 630, 636; visits Utah, 644, speaks in Tabernacle, 649; women congratulate, 650; work in Vt, 651, 655-6; scores Gov. Clement, 659; addresses Legis, 664; in Va, 669; addresses Legis, 671; helps Wash., 682; in West Va, 691; urges special session, 604; in Wis, 705; in Wyo, 710; receives doctor's degree from Wyo. Univ, 712; visits Hawaii, 716; urges suff. for its women, 717; visits Manila and organizes women, 720; tours S. Africa, helps organize suff. assn, 767; visits Copenhagen, 778; speaks in Hungary, 793; in Geneva, 801; calls conf, in Wash, D. C, to organize Intl. Wom. Suff, Alliance and opens it, 806; work for and in conf, 806-8: at Berlin conf, presents gavel, 810; elected pres, 811; calls conf. at Copenhagen, 812; presides, tribute to Miss Anthony, 813; 815; closing words, 817; calls conf. at Amsterdam, 817; address, 820-822; wise management, 823; presides at quinquennial in London, 828; address, 829-832; speaks in Albert Hall, 836; re-elected pres, 837; calls conf. at Stockholm, honors in Copenhagen, ovation in Sweden, visits Parliament, 838; 839, 840, 846; address, 841-843; presides in Royal Opera House, 844; address at Budapest, 851; received by officials, 853; re-elected, 854; on “militancy,” 854; on “white slave” traffic, 855; presides in Academy of Music, 857; farewell, 858; calls Alliance conf. in Geneva after the war, 859; address, memorial tribute to Dr. Shaw, plea for democracy, 860-1; welcomes delegates, 865; raises money, 868; re-elected, 869.
  • Catt, George W, 249.
  • Cauer, Minna (Germany), 826.
  • Central America, 804.
  • Chace, Arnold Buffum, 566; 571.
  • Chace, Elizabeth Buffum, 565; 571.
  • Chapman, Mariana W, 441.
  • Chaponniere-Chaix, Mme. (Switz.), 810-11.
  • Chase, Mary N, in N. H, 400 et seq; 404; Ore, 541; Vt, 651.
  • Cheney, Edna D, 272.
  • Cherdron, Margaret a 648.
  • Chilton, U. S. Sen. W. E, 696-7.
  • China, effort for wom. suff, Mrs. Catt visits, 803; suff. assn. joins Intl. Alliance, sends banner, 848.
  • Churchill, Winston, 401.