Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 6.djvu/901

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  • Foster, J. Ellen, 401.
  • Foulke, William Dudley. 267.
  • France, U. S. Sen. Joseph I, 257-8.
  • France, effort for wom, suff, 799.
  • Frazier, Helen, 351.
  • Frelinghuysen, U. S. Sen. Joseph S, 429; 430.
  • French. Mrs. L. Crozier, 598; 600; 607: 609: 610; 621.
  • Frick, St. Sen. George Arnold (Md.), suit against Fed. Suff. Amend. 261.
  • Frierson, U. S. Solicitor Genl, 617.
  • Fuller, Minnie Rutherford, 16; 18; 22.
  • Funck, Emma Maddox, see Md. chapter. 248: in Wis. 701.
  • Funck. Dr. J. William, 249; 250-1; 256: 701.
  • Funk, Antoinette, in Ills, 154; Mont, 364; Nev, 398; N. H, 405: N. J, 432; Penn, 561, West Va, 691.
  • Furman. Eleanor, 265.
  • Furuhjelm. Annie, work in Finland, 772; in Parliament. 773: 815; report on worn. suff. in Finland. 824; 826; 829: elected vice-pres. Intl. Alliance. 837; 843; 854; 860; 863.


  • Gale. Zona. in N. H. 405; in Wis, 704; 706.
  • Gallinger, U. S. Sen. Jacob, 400; death, 406.
  • Gannett. Mrs. William C. 442; 457.
  • Gardener, Helen H. 105; 110; 112.
  • Garesché, Marie R.. sec* Mo. chapter, 342-3.
  • Garrett, Mary E. 249.
  • Garrison. Francis J, 275.
  • Garrison. Wm. Lloyd, memorials, 88, 416; work in Mass. 267 et seq.
  • Garwood. Omar E, 62: 198; 330.
  • Gates, Susa Young, see Utah chapter, 644; 648; 650.
  • Gay, U. S. Sen Edward J, 229.
  • Gay, Dr. Ruth A, 524-7.
  • Gellhorn, Mrs. George, 346; 350-1-2-3-4; 358.
  • George, Mrs. A. J, in Neb, 376; Ohio, 513: N. H, 401; R. I, 575; Vt, 661, 663.
  • Georgia, effort for wom. suff, workers, legis. action, see St. chapter, 121.
  • German American Alliance, in Neb, 377; Ohio, 510; Wis, 708.
  • Germany gives wom. suff, elects women, 789-92.
  • Geyer, Rose Lawless, 187; 241; 243; 690.
  • Gillett, Emma M, 106-7; 2409.
  • Gillmore, Inez Haynes, 268.
  • Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 208; 250; 276; 387; 414; 540; 630; Budapest, 857.
  • Glasgow, Ellen, 655; 668.
  • Glass, U. S. Treasurer Carter, 671.
  • Goldstein, Vida (Aus.), in Calif, 20; Mass, 269; intl. suff. conf, 806-7; 815
  • Goodrich, Ellen Knox, 28.
  • Goodrich, Gov. James P. (Ind.), on ratif. of Fed. Amend, 176.
  • Goodwin, Grace W, 103.
  • Gordon, Anna A, 437.
  • Gordon, Rev. Eleanor, 182.
  • Gordon, Jean, in Atlanta, 123: in La, 216-173 221; 225; 232; in Miss, 328.
  • Gordon, Kate M, proposes Primary suff, 24, 222; in Fla, 115; Atlanta, 122: work in La.; see St. chapter, 216: brings natl. conv. to New Orleans, 218: org. South. Conf, 219; Dem. natl. conv, 220: opp. Fed. Amend, 232, 622; in Miss, 328-9, 336: 338; Okla. 521. 526: Ore, 540, 542-3: S. C, 580; Tenn, 609; West Va, 688.
  • Gordon, Laura de Force, 33.
  • Graham, Gov. Horace F. (Vt.), 663.
  • Grand Army of the Republic, endorses wom. suff, 87, 522.
  • Grange, Natl. and State, endorsement of wom. suff. in many St. chapters.
  • Great Britain (United Kingdom), long effort for wom. suff; action of Parliament: see chapter, 727 et seq: work of Natl. Union, 730 et seq: great pilgrimage, 737; war work, 739; society changes form, 749; Labor Party for wom. suff, 730-1, 737: war work of women, 728: Coalition Govt, 742; Conference formed, Commons passes bill, 744 et seq; Lords accept, 748; women vote, 749; favorable laws for women, 750; elected to Commons, 750; universities opened, 751; see 833.
  • Greece, organizes for wom. suff, — Queen and Venizelos favor, 802
  • Greeley, Helen Hoy, 46: 48; 90; 546.
  • Gregg, Laura, in Ariz, 12; 318; Mont. 360; Neb, 368, 370; Nev, 397; Okla. 520-1; Ore, 542.
  • Grenfell, Helen Loring, 61; 64.
  • Grey, Sir Edward, on wom. suff, 735.