Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 6.djvu/910

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  • Poland, grants suff, elects women, 795.
  • Pollock, U. S. Sen. William P, 582.
  • Pomerene, U. S. Sen. Atlee, 517.
  • Porritt, Annie G, see Conn. chapter, 68; 83.
  • Porto Rico, efforts for wom. suff, action of U. S. Cong; of its Legis, 722,
  • Portugal, 802.
  • Post, Mrs. Edmund M, 215.
  • Post, Louis F, in Wis. campaign, 701.
  • Post, Mrs. Louis F, in Md, 251.
  • Potter, Prof. Frances Squire, speaks in Calif, 36; Mass, 276; 318; Mo, 344; N. J, 416; N. Y, 446; Ore, 547.
  • Presidential Suffrage, legis. action, in Ills, 149, 150 et seq; gained, 156; in court, 158; women's first vote, 162; in Ind, 176, law suits, 177; re-passed, 178; Iowa, 191; Kans. Legis, 204-5; in Ky, 214; Me, 245; Md, 257; Mass, 291; Mich, 311, 316; Minn, 324-5; Mo, 351, 357-8-9; Neb, 379; N. H, 410-11; N. J, 427, 432-3; N. Mex, 438; N. C, 500; N. Dak, 506; Ohio, in court, 514, 519; Okla, 523; Penn, 562; R. I, 570, 573-4, 576; S. C, 583; S. Dak, 590; Tenn, 601-5; in court, women vote, 605; 616; Texas, 634; Vt, 660; vetoed by Gov, 664; West Va, 697; Wis, 707-8.
  • Primary Suffrage, Ark. Legis. grants, 19-25; legis. action in Fla, 117, 119; Iowa, 191; Miss, 339; S. C, 581; Texas Legis. grants, 634; 638
  • Progressive State conventions, in wom. Ky, 211; Mass, 297-8.
  • Prohibition, women's votes for, in Mich, 315; Wash, 686; Alaska, 714; 754.
  • Prouty, Gov. George H. (Vt.), 653. Pyle, Mrs. John L, work in S. Dak, see St. chapter, 587 et seq.


  • Quebec, work for wom. suff, 765.
  • Quinby, Gov. Henry B. (N. H.), 403.
  • Qvam, Mrs. F. M, work in Norway, 774; 815; reports on wom. suff, 826; 829; brings message from
  • Queen, 836; 848; 857


  • Raker, U. S. Rep. John E, at La. Legis, 234; for wom. suff. in Hawaii, 718.
  • Rankin, Jeannette, 46; in Fla, 118; Md, 257; work in Mont, see St. chapter, 360; elected to Congress, 367; in N. H, 405; N. C, 493; R. I, 577; Wash, 679.
  • Rathbone, Eleanor (Gt. Brit.), 740; 860.
  • Ratification of Federal Woman Suffrage Amendment, account near end of each State chapter; see especially Ala, 7; Conn, 75; Del, 93; Ga, 140; La, 225, 230; Md, 257; Miss, 337; N. C, 495; Tenn, 616; West Va, 694.
  • Reed, U. S. Sen. James A, 358, 641.
  • Reedy, William Marion, 350.
  • Reid, Mrs. Ogden Mills, 475; 482.
  • Reports to Intl. Suff. Cong, 808, 813, 864.
  • Republican National Committee, 78; 79; 80; assists ratification in Del, 94; 100; N. H, 409; Tenn, 621; West Va, 604.
  • Republican State conventions and committees, in Calif, 33, 53-4, 56; Conn, 76, 78, 85; Del, 93-4, 98; Ills, 146; Iowa, 186; Ky, 210-11-12; Mass, 295, 208; Minn, 322; Mo, 348; N. Y, 446, see 483; N. C, 493, 495, 500; R. I, 576; Tenn, 599, 613; Vt, 657; Va, 667; West Va, 691.
  • Reynolds, Minnie J, in Colo, 61; N. J, 416, 418; 420-1; 432; 449; Wash, 680.
  • Rhode Island, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, see St. chapter, 565.
  • Richards Emily S, see Utah chapter, 644 et seq.
  • Richards, Janet, in Del, 91; Md, 263; N. J, 415; 488; Wash, 679, 682; Stockholm, 840, 844.
  • Riddle, State Sen. Agnes, 64; 67; 202.
  • Ridgely, Mrs. Henry, 93-4; 96; IoI.
  • Riggs, St. Rep. John A. (Ark.), 23-4-5-6.
  • Ringrose, Mary E, 39; 200; 398.
  • Roark, Mary C, 2009.
  • Roberts, Gov. Albert H. (Tenn.), 605; Mrs. Catt asks to call extra session, 617; confers with Pres. Wilson, urged by Dems, 618; calls it, threatened with defeat, 619; message to Legis, 622; upholds ratif. and forwards certificate, 623-4.
  • Roberts, Caroline, 265-6.
  • Roberts, Margaret S, see Idaho chapter, 143.
  • Robertson, U. S. Rep. Alice, 528, 537.