Page:History of Zoroastrianism.djvu/161

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happiness to his votaries,[1] and the faithful invoke him to come for their joy.[2] The angels presiding over fire and waters are invoked to give great happiness and life of joy.[3] Atar is invoked to bestow joy upon the faithful The Fravashis of the righteous give happiness.[4] Airyaman is implored to come for the joy of men and women who faithfully follow Zarathushtra.[5] The entire creation that imparts weal unto mankind is invoked.[6] Ardvi Sura gives good abodes and joyful abodes and enduring abodes unto all Mazda-worshipping families.[7] Tishtrya prospers joyful and good abodes.[8] Mithra blesses the Aryan peoples with them.[9] The devout invoke Mithra that they may dwell long in happy abodes under him.[10] He is besought to give happiness.[11] Ardvi Sura gives riches and prosperity and flocks of cattle.[12] Riches, flocks of cattle, and garments are his to whom Glory cleaves.[13] The householder prays for an increase of his flocks.[14] Atar is invoked to grant sustenance, life in abundance, and children of innate wisdom.[15] He is further implored to grant flocks of cattle and multitude of men.[16] That happiness, glory, riches, children of innate wisdom, and fortune may never leave his house is the fervent prayer of the worshipper.[17] Ahura Mazda is invoked to give long, joyful life.[18] Mithra gives courage, victory, fame, knowledge, bodily health, riches, and virtuous offspring.[19] Soundness and health of body, riches, children of innate wisdom, life longer than long are sought from the good waters of Ahura Mazda.[20] Vitality is asked from Haoma.[21] The Fravashis are asked to give long life.[22] Thus are all boons that make life comfortable, happy, enjoyable, and livable, constantly prayed for.

  1. Yt. 10. 33, 65, 108.
  2. Yt. 10. 5; Ny. 2. 14.
  3. Ys. 62. 1, 4, 10; 68. 2. 11; Yt. 5. 26, Ny. 5. 10.
  4. Yt. 13. 32.
  5. Ys. 54. 1; Vd. 20. 11.
  6. Vd. 19. 37.
  7. Ys. 68. 14.
  8. Yt. 8. 2.
  9. Yt. 10. 4; Ny. 2. 13.
  10. Yt. 10. 77.
  11. Yt. 10. 33.
  12. Yt. 5. 26, 98.
  13. Yt. 19. 54.
  14. Ys. 60. 3.
  15. Ys. 62. 4, 5; Ny. 5. 10, 11.
  16. Ys. 62. 10, Ny. 3. 10, 5. 16.
  17. Ys. 60. 7.
  18. Ys. 41. 4.
  19. Yt. 10. 33, 108.
  20. Ys. 68. 11.
  21. Ys. 9. 19.
  22. Yt. 13. 135.