Page:History of Zoroastrianism.djvu/194

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compel them to draw his chariot.[1] In a couple of instances Ahura Mazda is depicted as speaking of the Holy Spirit as a part of himself. Speaking about the great work of the Fravashis, or the Guardian Spirits, Ahura Mazda says that had not the Fravashis helped him, the wicked Druj would have smitten the good creation, and it would never have been possible for Spenta Mainyu to deal a blow to Angra Mainyu.[2] Ahura Mazda sacrifices unto Vayu and asks from this angel of wind a boon, that he may smite the creation of Angra Mainyu, but that none may smite the creation of Spenta Mainyu.[3]

The superlative forms, Spentotema Mainyu,[4] or Spenishta Mainyu, meaning the Most Holy Spirit, are spoken of as Ahura Mazda's attributes.[5]

  1. Yt. 19. 43, 44.
  2. Yt. 13. 12, 13.
  3. Yt. 15. 2, 3.
  4. Ys. 1. 1; 37. 3.
  5. Ys. 19. 1; Yt. 1. 1; 14. 1, 34, 42; Vd. 2. 1; 7. 1; 9. 1; 10. 1; 14. 1; 18. 14; Afr. 4. 4.