Page:History of Zoroastrianism.djvu/215

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divine authority. He, the exalted one, comes down to the creation of Mazda, with loins girt up to fight the demons.[1] Sleep has forsaken his eyelids since the two spirits Spenta Mainyu and Angra Mainyu created the world.[2] Ahura Mazda has created him to withstand the demon Aeshma.[3] With an uplifted club he guards the world after sunset from the onslaughts of Aeshma, his constant rival, and against all the forces of wickedness.[4] Three times during the day and three times during the night the holy Sraosha descends on earth to smite the evil spirit Angra Mainyu, Aeshma, the demons of Mazandaran, and all other demons.[5] Just as the shepherd dog guards and protects cattle against harm, so does Sraosha protect men; and the faithful, therefore, yearn with good thoughts, good words, and good deeds to live under his constant guardianship.[6] The fire of the hearth calls Sraosha for help in the third part bf the night, for the demon Azi threatens to extinguish his life.[7] Sraosha, thereupon, wakes up the cock Parodarsh, his ally, who lifts up his voice to rouse the world of humanity, and warns it against the mischief of Bushyansta, who lulls it to sleep.[8] With his terrible mace levelled at the head of Druj, he enters into controversy with her, extorts from the demoness her secret devices,[9] and smites her.[10] As the teacher of religion unto men he moves about spreading religious lore at his will over the whole material world.[11]

The master of rituals takes his name from Sraosha and is called Sraoshāvarez.[12] Parodarsh is called the Sraoshāvarez of Sraosha.[13] The implement of administering stripes to the criminals is called Sraoshocharana.[14]

Sraosha's gifts. He is implored to give strength to the spans of the warriors' steeds in battle, soundness of body, and power to meet the adversary.[15] He is like a firmly built house unto the poor, who look to him for support.[16] The faithful entreat him to guard them in both the worlds.[17] The house-

  1. Ys. 57. 30.
  2. Ys. 57. 17; Yt. 11. 11, 12.
  3. Yt. 11. 15.
  4. Ys. 57. 10, 16; Yt. 11. 10, 11.
  5. Ys. 57. 31, 32.
  6. Yt. 11. 17.
  7. Vd. 18. 22.
  8. Vd. 18. 23, 24.
  9. Vd. 18. 30-59.
  10. Ys. 57. 15; Yt. 11. 3, 10.
  11. Ys. 57. 24.
  12. Vsp. 3. 1; Yt. 24. 15; Vd. 5. 25, 57, 58; 7. 17, 18, 71; G. 3. 5.
  13. Vd. 18. 14, 15.
  14. Vd. 3. 36, 37; etc.
  15. Ys. 57. 26.
  16. Ys. 57. 10; Yt. 11. 3.
  17. Ys. 57. 25.