Page:History of Zoroastrianism.djvu/218

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of assembly, increase-giving, fatness-giving, flock-giving, son-giving, life-giving, felicity-giving, joy-giving, glory-giving, kingdom-giving, and piety-giving.[1] Mithra is highly merciful, foremost, and peerless.[2] He is the protector and guardian of all creatures.[3] He is the most fiend-smiting among all the Yazatas.[4] He is both good and bad for men and nations. Peace and war between nations are from him.[5] With his wide knowledge, he furthers the creation of Spenta Mainyu.[6] The sixteenth day of a month and the seventh month of a year are sacred to Mithra.

Mithra's associates. Among those who work in unison with Mithra, Ahura Mazda stands first; Mithra-Ahura are invoked together as a couple. Their union is pre-Zarathushtrian and corresponds to the Vedic Mitra-Varuna. A detailed account of their joint activity is not found in the Avesta, but they are called the two exalted, imperishable, and holy ones,[7] and are invoked for special help.[8] Mithra is again jointly invoked with Hvarekhshaeta, the angel presiding over the sun. This is natural, because one of the chief functions of Mithra is to work as the guardian of light. Of the five Zoroastrian Nyaishes, or litanies, two are consecrated to the sun and Mithra, and these two are always recited together.[9] On the moral side Mithra protects truth. Consequently at an early date he is associated with Rashnu, who is the chief genius of truth.[10] They are united as two friends.[11] One of the principal attributes of Mithra is that he is the lord of wide pastures. In this capacity he joins in partnership with Raman Khvastra, who is essentially the angel that gives good pastures and happy dwellings, together with full joy of life.[12]

Mithra, the genius of light. On the material side Mithra presides over light, especially over the light that radiates from

  1. Yt. 10. 16, 65.
  2. Yt. 10. 140.
  3. Yt. 10. 54.
  4. Yt. 10. 98, 135.
  5. Yt. 10. 29.
  6. Yt. 10. 142.
  7. Ys. 1. 11; 2. 11; Ny. 1. 7; 2. 12; Yt. 10. 113, 145.
  8. Yt. 10. 113.
  9. Ny. 1; 2; Yt. 6.
  10. Vsp. 7. 2; Yt. 13. 47, 48; 14. 47; 24. 52; Vd. 4. 54.
  11. Yt. 10. 79, 81.
  12. Ys. 2. 3; 25. 4; Vsp. 2. 9; Vd. 3. 1; G. 1. 2, 7, 8; Sr. 1. 16; 2. 16.