Page:History of Zoroastrianism.djvu/243

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raise her wailing at such a shameful display of unchastity and longs either to flee to the heavens or sink into the earth, whereupon Ahura Mazda consoles her and leads her to his celestial abode.[1]


Ashi's associate. Parendi, as the female genius of riches, plenty, and activity, is identical with the Vedic Puramdhi, the goddess of plenty. She is the constant companion of Ashi Vanghuhi, and is invoked with her.[2] She is active in thought, active in word, and active in deed, and gives activity to man's body.[3] She moves about; in a light chariot.[4] As the impersonation of earthly riches Parendi accompanies the celestial car of Mithra, the lord of wide pastures, or again she attends Tishtrya, the genius of rain, in furthering the prosperity of the earth.[5] Zarathushtra invokes her to enrich King Vishtaspa.[6]


The female genius of cattle. She is a female genius of the animal world. As the guardian of herds, she is invoked in company with Geush Tashan and Geush Urvan.[7] A Yasht (9) is consecrated to her and bears her name, or more familiarly that of Gosh or Geush Urvan. Drvaspa moves about in her own chariot of sounding wheels. Mazda has made her heroic and righteous. She is the bestower of health upon the cattle and kine. She watches well from afar, gives welfare and long-continuing friendship. She is nourishing, courageous, wellformed, possessed of weal, giver of health, and powerful helper of the righteous.[8]

Her sacrificers. The Yasht gives a list of her supplicants who have asked her to grant them various boons. They are the same persons that invoke Ashi Vanghuhi and pray for the same boons that they ask from her. The only difference between the

  1. Yt. 17. 57-60.
  2. Ys. 13. 1; 38. 2; Yt. 8. 38; 10. 66; Sr. 1. 25; 2. 25.
  3. Vsp. 7. 2.
  4. Yt. 8. 38; 24. 9; Sr. 1. 25; 2. 25.
  5. Yt. 8. 38; 10. 66.
  6. Yt. 24. 9.
  7. Sr. 1. 14; 2. 14.
  8. Yt. 9. 1, 2, 7, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28.