Page:History of Zoroastrianism.djvu/296

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cleanness that is equivalent to offering a sacrifice to the demons, as spirits of pollution. Such a careless act of uncleanness results in the production of demoniacal foes to health and purity such as lice and moths, which are equally called the daevas.[1] The northern regions are peopled with the demons.[2] They are evil, bereft of good, ill-behaved, evil-doing, worst liars, most loathsome, and most wicked.[3]

The number of the demons is said to be legion, even though the Avestan texts mention only about forty-five more explicitly by name. As in other cases of the fiendish crew of hell, many of these evil powers have no story in particular to tell, but we shall deal with the more important ones in the sections that immediately follow.

The work of the demons. The demons have all been allotted their special provinces of work in both the worlds. Active work and strenuous exertion on the part of man deal them blows; for example, when the farmer tills his fields and sows his corn, the demons are dismayed. When the corn grows the demons start in dismay and faint, they grumble and rush to their hovels.[4] They spread uncleanness on the earth,[5] that the creatures may thereby suffer, and attack and overpower him who moves about without the sacred girdle.[6] They sought for the death of Zarathushtra.[7] They prevented the stars, the moon, and the sun from moving, until the Fravashis showed them their path.[8]

Means to confound them. The faithful recite the holy spells to dispel the demons. Zarathushtra himself, at the outset, baffled them by uttering the holy word.[9] As stated elsewhere, these evil spirits are put to flight at the recital of the Ahuna Vairya, Ashem Vohu, Gathic stanzas, and the other spells,[10] and the drinking of the consecrated Haoma, moreover, brings destruction to them.[11]

Those who strike terror into the hearts of the demons. Ahura Mazda is invoked to smite the demons,[12] and Haurvatat, Ardvi Sura, Drvaspa, and the Fravashis are invoked by the

  1. Vd. 17. 2, 3.
  2. Vd. 7. 2; 19. 1.
  3. Ys. 12. 4.
  4. Vd. 3. 32.
  5. Yt. 10. 50.
  6. Vd. 18. 54, 55.
  7. Vd. 19. 3.
  8. Yt. 13. 57.
  9. Yt. 13. 90.
  10. Yt. 3. 7, 10; 4. 2; 11. 6; Vd. 10. 13-16; 18. 16.
  11. Ys. 10. 6.
  12. Ys. 27. 1.