Page:History of Zoroastrianism.djvu/310

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Persians. The Zoroastrian works of all periods, however, detest sorcery as an evil creation of Angra Mainyu.[1] The verdict of the Greek writers regarding this is unanimous. Dino states in his Persica that the Magi abhorred divination by magic, and Sotion on the authority of Aristotle and Dino says that sorcery was unknown among the Magi.[2]

  1. Vd. 1. 14, 15.
  2. Frag. 5, FHG. 2. 90; Diogenes Laertius, Prooem. 8; cf also Windischmann in Sanjana's Zarathushtra in the Gathas and in the Greek and Roman Classics, p. 88, 105.