Page:History of Zoroastrianism.djvu/48

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the divine vicar and he heard it. Zarathushtra's creative mind evolved the highest conception of godhead, whom he named Ahura Mazda or the Wise Lord.

Zarathushtra yearns to see Ahura Mazda. Zarathushtra has prepared himself through the wise discipline of mind and heart and through the life of piety to receive his message from Mazda. He longs for the moment when, being enlightened in mind, he shall visualize Vohu Manah or Good Mind, Asha or Righteousness, Sraosha, the embodiment of Obedience to divine commandments, and the sublime seat of beneficent Ahura.[1] Mind alone can understand and realize the supreme mind and Zarathushtra longs to approach Mazda through Vohu Manah.[2] Mind is the repository both of knowledge upon which rests the enlightenment of life, and pure thoughts which form the basis of good conduct. He developed this dual aspect of mind to a preeminent degree and prayed that Vohu Manah might bless him with his presence.[3] He had not long to wait, for Vohu Manah, he who impersonates the divine mind, one day came to him and inquired who he was and to whom he belonged and what he wished for.[4] Seeing Vohu Manah, Zarathushtra got a glimpse of Ahura Mazda, whom he now conceived as holy, and for the first time felt himself acquainted with the words of wisdom.[5] When his ardent desire to meet Vohu Manah is fulfilled he now aspires through him to greet Ahura Mazda himself.[6] His one consuming passion now is to see Mazda face to face and hold communion with him,[7] so that he may have the most comprehensive understanding of the divinity. He desires and yearns and prays that Mazda may vouchsafe unto him his heart's longing. Devotion for Mazda wells up in his heart, and he is filled with the divine spirit. He feels himself lifted above the earth, and in his supreme moments of transcendent ecstasy he has the beatific vision of Mazda.[8] He has now found Mazda and he pours out his devout heart at his feet. He longs to be alone with him, belong wholly to him, and live in his love and attachment.[9] He praises him, worships him, makes songs of devotion to him, he yearns to weave his personality with Mazda like the warp and woof, and he longs

  1. Ys. 28. 5.
  2. Ys. 28. 2.
  3. Ys. 44. 1.
  4. Ys. 43. 7, 9, 11, 13, 15.
  5. Ys. 43. 11.
  6. Ys. 28. 6.
  7. Ys. 33. 6.
  8. Ys. 43. 5; 45. 8.
  9. Ys. 44. 17.