Page:History of Zoroastrianism.djvu/553

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Indo-Europeans, 9

Indo-Iranian religion, 125, 126

Indo-Iraman rituals, 254, 255

Indo-Iranians, 9, 10, 46, 47, 58

Indar, Indra, 70, 89, 260, 401

intercalation controversy, 470, 471

Intermediary Place of rewards, 105, I

Iomans, 158

Iranvej, see Airyana Vaejah

Isaiah, 151

Ishtar, 28, 69, 225

Isis, 28, 307

Ismailis, the, 462

Israelites, 151

Ithyejah, 275

Izads, see Yazatas


Jackson, A. V. W, 193

Jainism, 115, 280

Jam-i Karkhusru, 465

Jamasp, visits India, 444, 470 Jamaspa, 25, 57, 227, 334, 455 Jamshaspians, 463

Jamshid, see Yima

Janaka, king, 117

Jasnaf, king of Tabaristan, 337, 338

teh, 405 engis Khan, 83 Je ee 131, 327 Jesus, 72, 77, 108, 141, 166, 296, 298- 301, 309, 310 Job, 411 Judaism, 6, 115, 152, 158, 280, 507 in Persia, 320-328 Judea, 151, 327 Judgment, Bridge of, see Chinvat Judgment, individual, after death, 102-104, 284, 285, 411, 413, 414, 419, 420 . universal at the Renovation, 109,

429, 430 Julian the Apostate, 308 K

Ka, 232 Kadimis, 471

kalma, Kama ®e, 487

Kamak-sud, 427 Kamak-vakhshishn, 427 Kanheri caves, 447 Kanishka, 296

Kans, lake, 424

Kapila, 118, 122


Karapans (Phi. Karaps), 20, 22, 315, 316 Karma, 121, 278-280, 334 Kashvish, 406 Kassites, 9, 130 Kasvi, 275 Kaus, king, see Usa Kavata, Kavi, Kavis (Ph! Kiks), 20-22, 315, 316 Kazwim, 6, 442 Keresani, 137, 206 Keresaspa (Phl Kersasp), witched by Khnanthaiti, 275 sacrificed unto Ardvi Sura, 227 sacrificed unto Vayu, 221 was refused admission to heaven for extinguishing fire, 363 will smite Zohak at the Renova- tion, 371, 427 kha rtasya, 166 Khishtab, 465 Khnanthaiti, 275 Khodaiyans, 463 khrafstraghna, 137 khratu, 42, 164 Khshathra Ishtotsh, 55 Khshathra Vairya (Phi Shatra- var), 55-58, 170, 171, 364, 365 Khuda Jui, 465 Khur-chashm, 427 Khurdad, see Haurvatat Khurdadbah-ibn-, 6 Khurshed, see Hvarekhshaeta Kingdom, Divine, of Ahura Mazda, see Khshathra Vairya Kingdom of Righteousness, see


Asha Kingdom of Wickedness, sec Druj Kismet, 334 Kobad, 348, 349 Krishna, 120, 123, 124, 280 Kronos, 304, 330 Kundak, 272, 406 Kundi, 272 L Lao-tze, 152, 166 Licinius, 303 Life, anomalies of, 100 a blessing, 75-78 Christian view of, 299, 300 Indian view of, 121, 122, 278, 279 Iraman view of, 127, 128, 342 monastic, unknown in Zoroastrian Persia, 344 philosophy of escape from, 122, 12

3 light, genii of, see Hvarekhshaeta and Mithra �