Page:History of Zoroastrianism.djvu/66

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lovingly helps those who flee unto him in their distress and betake themselves to his protection. There is none other than he who shields men against harm and they invoke his protection through Asha.[1] We sleep secure because he guards us lovingly and we live in safety because he stands by our side when we awake out of sleep. His goodness towards us knows no bounds. Immortality, holiness, power, and perfection are his gifts to those who deserve them through their deeds and words and prayers.[2] Man can become his friend and companion through his words and deeds of righteousness.[3] He is invoked to bestow upon the pious the good things of life for his love of them.[4] With his good understanding, man can imitate him and be like unto him by promoting the welfare of all around him through righteousness.[5]

The prophet prays for his vision and communion with him.[6] He strives to approach him through Good Mind,[7] and through his devoted supplications.[8] With outstretched hands he aspires to reach him with songs of praise on his lips.[9] Thus will he continue his praise, he says, as long as he has strength and vigour,[10] and adds that the stars and the sun and the dawn all unite in singing praise unto him.[11] Consumed with the fervour of religious emotion, he implores Ahura Mazda to rise up for him,[12] and to come to him and manifest himself to him in his own person.[13] Sraosha comes with Vohu Manah unto him whom Ahura Mazda desires.[14]

Ahura Mazda is the creator. Creation is a free act of the divine goodness of Ahura Mazda.[15] In the beginning when he lived in his supreme self-sufficiency, he conceived the thought to clothe the heavenly realm with light.[16] He created light, and darkness was there, for darkness shadows light.[17] He is the father and creator of Vohu Manah,[18] of Asha,[19] of Khshathra,[20] of Armaiti,[21] of Haurvatat and Ameretat,[22] and of Geush

  1. Ys. 34. 7.
  2. Ys. 34. 1.
  3. Ys. 31. 21, 22.
  4. Ys. 33. 10.
  5. Ys. 31. 16.
  6. Ys. 33. 6.
  7. Ys. 28. 2.
  8. Ys. 50. 9.
  9. Ys. 50. 8.
  10. Ys. 50. 11.
  11. Ys. 50. 10.
  12. Ys. 33. 12.
  13. Ys. 33. 7; 49. 1.
  14. Ys. 44. 16.
  15. Ys. 44. 7.
  16. Ys. 31. 7.
  17. Ys. 44. 5.
  18. Ys. 31. 8; 44. 4; 45. 4.
  19. Ys. 31. 7, 8; 44. 3; 47. 2.
  20. Ys. 44. 7.
  21. Ys. 51. 9; 44. 7; 45. 4.
  22. Ys. 51. 7.