Page:History of Zoroastrianism.djvu/90

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he makes the good thoughts of Vohu Manah and righteousness of Asha his own and, with the burning devotion of Armaiti, he works for the advent of the imperishable Kingdom.[1] Triumph of righteousness over wickedness will usher in the Kingdom and he prays for strength for himself and his followers so that they may wage a successful war against wickedness.[2]

The pious pray that they may participate in the inauguration of the Kingdom of Mazda.[3] Vohu Manah, the guardian of good thoughts, furthers the Kingdom.[4] As right thinking is the source of good conduct and endeavour to work for the advent of the Divine Kingdom, it is sometimes spoken of as belonging to Vohu Manah. The Kingdom, it is said, is in the possession of Vohu Manah and Ahura Mazda and Asha and Armaiti live in it.[5] The Kingdom of Vohu Manah is furthered by Asha's righteousness.[6] To be worthy of entering the Divine Kingdom and living in it is man's highest aspiration. Asha assures the life in the Kingdom to those who work zealously for the furtherance of righteousness.[7] Through righteousness is the divine help gained in Mazda's Kingdom.[8] Zarathushtra is eager to enter the blessed Kingdom,[9] and a long life of felicitous existence in it,[10] and to share its splendours.[11] Wise Jamaspa courts the life of righteousness and longs for the Kingdom as the gift of Vohu Manah.[12] Zarathushtra prays that Frashaoshtra may win the Kingdom of Ahura Mazda for all time.[13] He asks Ahura Mazda to manifest unto him the incomparable things that mankind will witness in the Divine Kingdom as the reward of Vohu Manah.[14] Ahura Mazda is asked to give the Kingdom through Vohu Manah as reward to those whom he knows to be doing what is best in life.[15]

The Divine Kingdom in the world of perfection. Vohu Manah will proclaim the advent of the Kingdom.[16] Ahura Mazda has ordained through Vohu Manah and Asha to give unto the good perfection and immortality in his Kingdom.[17] Through

  1. Ys. 28. 3.
  2. Ys. 31. 4.
  3. Ys. 51. 2.
  4. Ys. 30. 8; 31. 6.
  5. Ys. 46. 16.
  6. Ys. 34. 11.
  7. Ys. 51. 1.
  8. Ys. 43. 14.
  9. Ys. 48. 8.
  10. Ys. 43. 13.
  11. Ys. 43. 8.
  12. Ys. 43. 13.
  13. Ys. 43. 8.
  14. Ys. 33. 13.
  15. Ys. 46. 10.
  16. Ys. 44. 6.
  17. Ys. 45. 10.