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talents on profane or senſeleſs ſubjects. He did but a few years ago, on a Sabbath morning, going from his own houſe to their place of worſhip in Edinburgh.


With regard to their religious principles, we cannot enter into any particular detail: neither indeed are there any doctrines peculiar to all included under that name, except the ſingle one of salvation by faith without works. In March 1741, Mr Whitefield being returned to England entirely ſeparated from Mr Weſley and his friend " becauſe he did not hold the decrees.”—Here was the first breach, which warm men perſuaded Mr Whitefield to make, merely for a difference of opinion. Those indeed who believed univerſal redemption, had no deſire at all to ſeparate but thoſe who held particular redemption, would not hear of any accommodation, being determined to have no fellowſhip with men that "were in ſuch dangerous errors." So there were now two sorts of Methodiſts so called: thoſe for particular, and thoſe for general, redemption.

Not many years paſſed, before Willian Cuc(illegible text)worth and James Relly, ſeparated from Mr Whitefield.—Theſe were properly Antinomia(illegible text) abſolute avowed enemies to the law of God which they never preached, or profeſſed to preach but termed all Legalists who did. With their preaching the law was an abomination. They had nothing to do with the law. They woa(illegible text) preach Christ, as they called it, but without one word either of holineſ, or good works. Ye