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(illegible text)ted energies of thoſe beaſted benefactors of mankind, the philoſophic infidels."


They have their name from one Arius, a Ly(illegible text)n by birth, and a presbyter of Alexandria by profeſſion. This hereſy broke out under the Emperor Conſtantine, 290 years after Chriſt, and over-ran a great part of the world; being oppoſed (illegible text)one for ſome time: but the famous Athan(illegible text) an eminent father of the church at that time, (illegible text)o compoſed an admirable Creed in oppoſition to the Arian doctrine; their errors were condemned in the Council of Nice, gathered, by Conſtan(illegible text)e's appointment, in the year 1325, after a moſt (illegible text) and bloody perſecution, wherein many of thoſe who oppoſed it, (and were therefore called (illegible text) Orthodox.) suffered martyrdom

Arians say, that God is one abſolute being; that Jeſus Chrift is the firſt and beſt of all the (illegible text)ica of God; and the Holy Ghost only an (illegible text)ibute of Deity.

Of Arminians.

They are so called from James Arminius, divinity reader in Leyden, who, in the year 1605, publiſhed and maintained five articles, which have occaſioned great trouble to the church of God, (illegible text)ing eagerly maintained by his followers, called (illegible text)monstrants. The five articles are concerning predestination, redemption, God's grace, free-(illegible text), and the perſeverance of the(illegible text).