Page:History of the First Council of Nice.djvu/110

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and ventures to be disobedient to this great Synod, is in danger of being expelled from the clergy."

3. Forbidding the clergy to keep female friends in their houses.

Against the Admission of Women as Sorores.

"The Council decreed that it should not be permitted to a bishop, or to a presbyter, or to a deacon to have the legal privilege of introducing to his house, or receiving a woman introduced by others, unless she were his mother or sister, or aunt, or, at least, such as had escaped suspicion."

In the first ages of the Church, some Christians, clergymen and laymen, contracted a sort of spiritual marriage with unmarried ladies, so that they lived together; and there was a friendly connection between them for their mutual religious advancement. They were known by the name of sub-introducta, or the Greek suneisaktoi, and sisters. That which began in the spirit, however, in many cases, ended in the flesh.—Hefele.

4. That ordinations shall be performed by, at least, three bishops:

Ordination of Bishops.

All the bishops in a province shall unite to constitute and ordain a bishop. But if this is inconvenient, through great necessity or the length of the journey, three, at least, shall be present to ordain a candidate, and then it shall be necessary, that those absent shall consent thereto by letter. The conformation of these proceedings belongs to the metropolitan bishop.