Page:History of the First Council of Nice.djvu/21

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  • Hosius, or Osius, bishop of Corduba (Cordova), 28, 29, 51, 119, 64; sketch of him, 119.
  • Huxley, 7.
  • Hymn to God, 97.
  • Hymns, first composed by Arius, St. Ambrose, Victorinus, etc., 73; one to God, decreed by the Council, 97.
  • Hypatius, of Gangra, 56.
  • Introduction, 3.
  • James, bishop of Antioch (alias Nisibis, or Nisbis) in Mygdonia, 53, 56.
  • Jerome, ecclesiastical historian, quoted, 58, 93, etc.
  • Jews, their Passover, 29, 97, 112.
  • Job, 7.
  • John, the Persian, 56.
  • Judith, Book of, 93.
  • Julian, the emperor, 23, 25, 26.
  • Julius Constantius, 24.
  • Julius, 45.
  • Justin Martyr, quoted, 106.
  • Kneeling at prayers, 107.
  • Laodicea, Council of, 94.
  • Labarum, 15, 16.
  • Lapsed presbyters, 105; catechumens, 106.
  • Lardner, Dr., quoted, 31.
  • Lateran Palace, 17.
  • Latin bishops, 57.
  • Leontius, bishop, a eunuch, 56, 98.
  • Letter, of Alexander, bishop of Alexandria, concerning Arius, 37; of Constantine, 75; of Arius, 46; of Eusebius, of Nicomedia, 49; of Eusebius Pamphilus, 79; others of Constantine, quoted, 76, 111.
  • Licinius, 17, 18, 23, 33, 53.
  • Licinius, son of Licinius, 26.
  • Longinus, of Cappodocia, 56.
  • Longinus, of Poutus, 56.
  • Lord's Day made legal Sunday, 20.
  • Lucian, of Antioch, 116.
  • Lucius, 45.
  • Luther, Martin, quoted, 96.
  • Macarius, 47, 56.
  • Macedonius, 118.
  • Mansi, quoted, 54.
  • Marcellianus, 36.
  • Marcellus, of Ancyra, 56, 117.
  • Marcus, of Calabria, 56.
  • Marcus Aurelius, 28.
  • Maris, the Arian, 56, 72, 70.
  • Maronite, 75.
  • Martial, the poet, quoted, 75.
  • Martyr, Justin, quoted, 106.
  • Mary, "mother of God," 43.
  • Maxentius, 16, 13.
  • Maximian, 13, 17, 18, 23.
  • Maximin, 18, 33, 92.
  • Meletians, 29, 91, 92.
  • Meletius, of Lycus, and his followers, 56, 91.
  • Meletius, of Pontus, 56.
  • Menas, or Minas, 45.
  • Menophantus Bides with Arius, 56, 69.
  • Mexia, quoted, 4.
  • Mill, J. S., quoted, 28.
  • Miltiades, or Melchiades, 36.
  • Minervina, 14, 24.
  • Miracles, performers of, present, 59, 61.
  • Moses, 7, 8.
  • Mosheim's Institutes, quoted, 32, etc.
  • Mount of Olives Church, 19.
  • Murdock, Dr. James, quoted, 32, etc.
  • Narcissus, the Arian, 56, 69.
  • Neander, ecclesiastical historian, quoted, 32, etc.
  • Nero mentioned, 28.
  • Nice, its ancient and modern names, 52.
  • Nicasius, 56.
  • Nicholas, of Myra, 56.
  • Novations, 31; re-admitted to communion, 102.
  • Novatus, or Novatian, and his sect, 102, 103; sketch of him, 102.
  • Number of bishops present, 57.
  • Objects of the Council, 29.
  • Ordination of bishops, 100.
  • Origen, quoted, 8,
  • Orthodox faith. See Nicene Creed, Homoöusian, etc.
  • Pagi, Dr. Anthony, editor of Baronius, quoted, 64, etc.
  • Pamphylus, or Pamphilus, the martyr, 59.
  • Paphnutius, of Egypt, 54, 56, 59; favors marriage, 90; being a confessor, his wounds kissed by the emperor, 113.
  • Parties present, 59.
  • Passover, or Paschal festival, 29, 97.
  • Pastor, book of the, quoted, 87.
  • Patrophilus, the Arian, 56.
  • Paul, 12 years old, 56,
  • Paulinus and Julian, consuls of Pome, 31, 57.
  • Paulinus, bishop of Antioch, 64.
  • Paulinus, bishop of Tyre, 43, 47.
  • Paul, of Neo-Cæsarea, a confessor, 56.
  • Paul, of Samosata, 106.
  • Penitent, a dying one, 105.
  • Petavius, Dionysus, editor of Epiphanius, quoted, 34, 37.